Learned and well respected King’s Counsel Justin Simon says the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda does have the authority to initiate an inquiry into any matter independently, without requiring directives from the Cabinet.
Simon told Observer AM that the Antigua and Barbuda Commission of Inquiry Act grants the GG such authority.
Simon stated, “We must acknowledge that the Governor General possesses the ability to act autonomously, at their discretion, regarding various matters.”
He cited Chapter 91 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, which encompasses the Commission of Inquiry Act.
This act explicitly states that it is lawful for the Governor General to issue a Commission, appointing one or two Commissioners, and empowering them to investigate the conduct or management of any public service department or any matter deemed beneficial to the public welfare by the Governor General.
“Furthermore,” he added, “the legislation empowers the Governor General to determine the number of participating Commissioners, designate the chairperson, appoint the Commission’s secretary, and instruct the Commissioner of Police to ensure security and orderliness during the inquiry proceedings.”
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This whole debate shows the conundrum that we exist in as an independent country. The fact that the Governor General can exercise executive powers is a vestige of our long colonial history. This exercise of executive powers by the Governor General in an independent country is an anomaly and aberration that should have been addressed in our independence Constitution in 1981. All this underscores the urgent need for Constitutional reform so we can finally jettison all the anachronistic vestiges of our colonial past.
@ Charles Tabor
Charles.Tabor you are sooo.damn confusing. Why you cannot come right out and say the GOVERNOR GENERAL cannot call the PUBLIC INQUIRY. Tabor you should listen closely to YOUNG DESTROYER New song for 2023. TABOR , You are a DAMN HYPOCRITE. You are UPP STOOL.
ANTIGUAN PEOPLE let me make it very simple for your understanding. Under the Commission of Inquiry Act which was passed in 1880, the Governor General does have the power to call an enquiry. My position is is that it is ridiculous for the Governor General to have that power in an independent country. Antigua is not the BVI or Montserrat where the 1880 Commission of Inquiry Act is still the law. The BVI and Montserrat are still colonies of England, Antigua is not. While legally the Governor General has the power to call an enquiry, I say that is nonsense in an independent Antigua and Barbuda. Try to understand my position and stop spouting nonsense.
Anyone wonders why Juston Simon as Attorney General lost almost ALL of his cases. Costing the taxpayers millions of dollars. The biggest was the lost to the Hadeed APC for over $200Millions.
your distracting tactics won’t work. The fact is, the KC is right and LIARD MAX and GASTON are wrong.
Just like Sir James Carlisle called the MBS enquiry in 2001 without the approval of cabinet, so too MUST Sir Rodney Williams call an enquiry into the African/ people smuggling saga in order to preserve his DIGNITY- however we will not hold our breath, because once you lie with THE ABLP DOGS, you will rise WITH FLEAS.
He will do well to try and preserve his legacy or what’s left of it.
For goodness sake @Sideline! Say something relevant for once. Your mudslinging, character assassination post are boring,predictable and archaic. The man is simply stating a fact as per the constitution.
I am sure you listened intently to the ramblings and lies spurted by Max Hurst.
This country needs to rid itself of this scourge called ALP permanently and hopefully people like you will fade into oblivion. Antigua and Barbuda needs to breathe.
Did I tell a lie?
The truth may hurt, but it’s nevertheless the TRUTH.
He won the Privy Counsel case against GASTON BROWN and the ABLP where the government had to fork out over $3,500,000.00 to D Giselle Isaac for her unlawful dismissal by the Browne(s), Gaston and Michael.
He also won the case against the FORGERY by CUTIE BENJAMIN in relation to the signature of BRANN.
Can you now get your GG to call the enquiry that the constitution authorises him to do.
“Learned and well respected King’s Counsel Justin Simon says the Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda does have the authority to initiate an inquiry into any matter independently, without requiring directives from the Cabinet.”
Speech is really free in this place. A man who has lost more cases than he was ever won is well learned and well respected. As they say to each his own. As the say Antigua has the best beaches and also the sweetest pineapple in the wurl. Just yesterday I heard a pharmacy saying they are the best at filling prescriptions in and out of Antigua.
“LEARNED” and “WELL RESPECTED”???? by what? The Mountain Chicken in DumbKneeCah
This man flew all the way to England to stand before white-wigged curly haired lords just to hear that:
“the claimants have NO REALISTIC PROSPECT OF SUCCEEDING in their claim under section 9(1) of the Constitution so that the Court of Appeal was correct to strike out that claim. The Board will therefore humbly advise Her Majesty that the appeal should be dismissed.”
Which ever law school he graduated from might want to take back that degree or distance itself from him.
Justin “NEVER READY” Simon. Buy 2 Ever Ready battery give him please.
Charles Tabor you are 100% correct. I said that same thing in the beginning when they started to ask for a commission of inquiry. The governor General have plenty powers in countries like montserrat, Anguilla, British Virgin Island but not Antigua a fully independent state. The countries I mentioned the Governor General call the shots in every government department but not independent country like Antigua. Our governor General in Antigua is like a big rubber stamp. The cabinet say jump and the Governor General answer jow high. He is power less in matters like these. He can be replace by the government of the day. If he call a commission of inquiry on his own he will go home the following day. Constitutional reform is urgently needed here
Justin is well respected by Chaku Waku 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 and Loser Lovell
@ Smh
He won the Privy Counsel case against GASTON BROWN and the ABLP where the government had to fork out over $3,500,000.00 to D Giselle Isaac for her unlawful dismissal by the Browne(s), Gaston and Michael.
He also won the case against the FORGERY by CUTIE BENJAMIN in relation to the signature of BRANN.
He also won the ‘Fabricated’ bus case against Wilmoth Daniel, defeating Cutie, His Dishonest DPP who is facing criminal charges in Jamaica and vindictive Gaston Brown.
The ABLP is ALWAYS in bed with unsavoury characters; They used the DPP from Jamaica to do their dutty work, because they had a black cloth hanging over his head.
Which cases he won as AG??? Up to now UPP laugh at he and bad tark he. Wilmoth Daniel even went on Vybez FM and ridicule Justin “trackrecord” 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
His reputation precedes him 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Put your number let me send you the clip of Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌 mocking Justin 🤣 🤣 🤣
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