Antigua and Barbuda Establishes Embassy in Paris, France


Antigua and Barbuda Forges Deeper Ties with France: New Embassy and Fluent French Ambassador

Antigua and Barbuda proudly announces the inauguration of its Embassy in France, marking a significant stride in strengthening bilateral relations and fostering strategic alliances.

Led by Prime Minister Gaston Browne and Foreign Affairs Minister E.P. Chet Greene, this historic decision underscores Antigua and Barbuda’s unwavering commitment to global diplomacy and cooperation.

His Excellency Boris Latour, a distinguished diplomat with a profound understanding of France, owing to his tenure at UNESCO in Paris, assumes the esteemed role of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France.

Ambassador Latour’s intimate knowledge of French culture and society positions him as a bridge-builder, facilitating seamless communication and enhancing diplomatic ties between Antigua and Barbuda and France.

The establishment of the Embassy in Paris holds immense significance for Antigua and Barbuda, a small island nation seeking to leverage its global presence for mutual benefit.

This strategic move underscores Antigua and Barbuda’s proactive approach to engaging with key international partners, particularly in Europe.

In addition to fostering closer ties with France, the Embassy will serve as a platform to advance Antigua and Barbuda’s interests across the European continent.

Priority areas of collaboration include the mutual recognition of diplomas, facilitating mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, and strengthening air ties between countries. Antigua and Barbuda aims to enhance connectivity between the Metropole of Paris and its territory, as well as with French overseas territories such as Guadeloupe, which is only 90km away from Antigua.

Furthermore, France ranks among the top five largest clients of Antigua and Barbuda in terms of trade, highlighting the significant economic partnership between the two nations.

Ambassador Latour remarked, “The establishment of the Antigua and Barbuda Embassy in Paris is a pivotal moment in our nations’ shared history. It signifies our commitment to deepening our bilateral relations and fostering meaningful cooperation across various sectors. I am honored to serve as Ambassador and look forward to further strengthening the bond between our countries.”

On April 23rd, Ambassador Boris Latour and First Counsellor Timothée Bauer, held a productive meeting with the Deputy Director of State Protocol to organize the presentation of credentials to His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of France, which is scheduled to take place in the upcoming weeks.

As Antigua and Barbuda takes this momentous stride towards expanding its global footprint, the Embassy in France emerges as a beacon of diplomacy and cooperation, embodying the nation’s aspirations for a brighter future on the world stage.

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  1. The guy is a CIP!!!!
    What’s going to happen?
    What are we going to find out about this guy?
    Money laundering? Fraud? ETC…
    Gaston is just , once again, is going to embarase us!!!

    • Do you know howmany CIP citizens we have? And are they all in crime or crime related. Almost all are respectable wealthy people who need our passport for many different reasons. One is to travel and another is to register their wealth in a different nationality other then where they are born. This for fear that it can be confescated.

      • It’s a laugh a minute with your posts. One reason is for travel you say, so why not use their own nation’s passport? Another reason is that they can move their money to Antigua(?) In case it gets confiscated, again, why? Oh dear, oh dear, you have a problem with reasoning. Never mind, keep posting. Laugh guaranteed.

  2. Surely it costs money to run and maintain an embassy. Let’s hope they can afford toilet paper for the staff. After all the SLBMSJH is often short of the tissue. We live in a surreal world .

  3. We need and want more EMBASSIES in the African States!

    We don’t want #show_n_tell EMBASSIES for talking points, by the poliTRICKtans!

    France along with the European cohorts, and American Wall Street Banking Industry of gangsters helped to put the ECONOMIC STRONGHOLD on Haiti and many African States with their military might. Hence, one reason why several African States such as, Burkina Faso, Niger and others are joining forces, to rid AFRICA, of FRANCE and its influence over their People and economy!

    Please, let me cut you off at the ☠️🏴‍☠️ crossroad; with the worn out rhetoric of African Leaders are corrupted. Those #corrupted African Leasers are usually PUPPETS put in place, by the Neocolonialists, #WHO’RE pulling tgeir G_Strings!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  4. One question: Was this a monetary CIP led appointment, which was authorised by a third party CIP employee?

    Ensuring that the ABLP government can wash their hands of this, if things – as expected – go belly-up!

  5. Weather he’s a CIP or not is irrelevant. This is one of the very few good moves by the ABLP. I hope AIR FRANCE will come back to Antigua. Air France flew to Antigua twice a week from 1970 to 1974 but for whatever reasons they ceased operations.

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