CABINET NOTES: The threat by the Trump Administration to declare the Cuban Medical Brigade as equivalent to “Human Trafficking” is not supported by the payment method and the contractual arrangement into which the Governments of Cuba and Antigua and Barbuda have entered.
Nevertheless, the Cabinet has made a decision to pay the Cuban Medical Brigade of Doctors and Nurses 100% of the contractual amount and to have each doctor or nurse receive the entire payment rather than a portion; statutory deductions will also be made from each pay package, as is done for every worker in Antigua and Barbuda.
This approach has been communicated to the US Government Officials and the Government of Antigua and Barbuda awaits the US Government’s response.
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That’s a huge cave, so what about the arrangement with the Cuban government. More gunboat diplomacy also considering the fact that America taxes it citizens regardless of where they reside in the world. So instead of caving in such a fabulous manner why not collect taxes on behalf of Cuba.
Has the government received an official communication from the US state department? They said earlier that they had not and Antigua was not on a baned list, so what has prompted this action. Or is this just all lies
This wrong stance started before Trump “In a sharp departure from former President Obama’s Cuba policy, the Biden administration has released a report on human trafficking around the world that strongly condemns Cuba’s medical missions abroad. The State Department’s “2021 Trafficking in Persons Report,” released on July 1, says there are “strong indications of forced labor” in Cuba’s medical missions. Last year, the Cuban regime “capitalized on the pandemic” by increasing these missions, which now place between 34,000 and 50,000 Cuban doctors in more than 60 countries, it says.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/andres-oppenheimer/article252541458.html#storylink=cpy . Interestingly Trump sees the need for dialogue with Russsia but not with Cuba. Its time for talks with Cuba (marco rubio will be in tears) .
What if the Cuban Government decides to terminate all scholarships offered to Antiguans and Barbudans and even send those that are there presently home?
What if Cuba recalls all of its Citizens will the Cabinet automatically make them citizens of A&Β?
Gaston must cave. Neither him nor his Cabinet members want to loose access to America for themselves and their families. At least Mia Motley is still holding the fort and Barbados presently doesn’t have a contingent of Cuban Medical personnel working there.
If America made the same request about the Chinese peasants working for their Government in Antigua & Barbuda will Gaston and his Cabinet cave the same way?
This one issue shows how weak and fragmented CARICOM is. Each Quasi Independent Nation is independently LARGE, yet collectively small as a Group. This is some payback to Cuba who has been assisting many in the Caribbean for decades. Where is CARICOM strength as a FACIA?
@Point – Because there’s an economic embargo on Cuba. No one should be doing business with them because the US is of the opinion that the people are under oppression. Of course it’s not the only oppressed country in the world but the proximity to the US means they can’t really just leave them alone. Imagine if Russia started making moves to station missiles there again.
I don’t know what the initial arrangements between the Cuban workers, the Antiguan Government and the Cuban Government was. I am sure that the Cuban workers would still be liable to the Cuban Government for whatever the Cuban Governments share of their pay is. Half a dozen and six is the same thing. I don’t know if paying the Cubans in full changes the scenario and would satisfy the American Government.
No one knows the “initial arrangements” between you and that Dominican beauty queen, but seems like she took you to the cleaners …..or did she really?
When a staffing company hires contract staff for a client and pays them 1/3 of the charge to the client, is this human trafficking? This is what’s happening in America.
@No, yes it is the opinion of the US, as it is only concerned about its own interest, they will only deal with authoritarian regimes of their choice I guess Cuba is not one of them
Does it look to you like the US has any fair and reasonable policies with Cuba. Did Russia supported Cuba more than any other World Power? Yes Russia helped Cuba immensely to be what it is. Who is President of the USA? That President and his Party will never call for an Embargo on Russia. Wow!! How longer must the big fish continue to eat up the small fish? This wicked and inhumane embargo on Cuba must end . The Caribbean and Latin, Central, and South America must stand together.
I just read the comments section and is unbelievable. The lack of knowledge of the contract agreement that those Doctors are obligated to sign if they want to work overseas make you guys look dummy, because you are taking a side of something that violate the dignity of a worker. None of you will accept those terms. Those Doctors are part of a modern slavery scheme. Even Antigua recognized that those Doctors are not getting their salary in full, those Doctors can’t receive Here their kids or husband/wife. If those Doctors decide to stop working they get a Ban from Cuba government to return Cuba for 8 years..Ban they don’t care if your family is Inside..You can’t go back, your bank account funds in Cuba is seized also. Embargo don’t stop Cuba to trade with the World..that’s a lie..Even USA is the 5th Country in importance of Cuba Import/Export gods. Government of Cuba is a Dictatorship and is the only responsible for the actual economic situation of Cuba. I’m a Cuban and I have to leave Cuba because everything inside is a huge lie..Cuban are not free..Our education system is old and is just made to adoctrinate the society in Comunist ideology. Private initiative is not allowed the same way you guys can do it here and they don’t respect private property. Everything inside the State, nothing outside of it.
The Cubans receive free education and the contract is arranged by the Cuban government . Part of that contract is for free accommodation and they also travel free to and from Cuba every year. If a government gives you free education, you should be expected to serve and give back to tge country.