In a unified approach to the duty of Bar Associations to protect the administration of
Justice, the Antigua and Barbuda Bar Association joins with its Commonwealth
Counterparts in condemning the recent statements made by Prime Ministers Mia
Motley and Dr. Ralph Gonsalves targeting the judiciary of the region.
In doing so the statement of the OECS Bar (below) is wholly adopted with emphasis on
the importance of the independence of the judiciary and presumption of innocence.
It is essential that all stakeholders play their respective roles in the fight against rising crime
throughout the region but it must also be recognized that a collaborative approach is
We therefore leave all to consider “what part do I play and how can I
improve the situation rather than aggravating it” whether Prime Minister, Judge,
Lawyer, Police or civilian!
Cherissa Roberts Thomas
The recent comments made by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley and St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves targeting the judiciary in the region have been condemned by the Antigua and Barbuda Bar Association, joining other concerned groups such as the OECS Bar Association.
During a symposium in Trinidad, the prime ministers criticized judges for granting bail for murder and Dr Gonsalves described “too many” judges and magistrates as being “too soft” on crime.
Cherissa Roberts Thomas, President of the Bar Association, has expressed her solidarity with those who have raised concerns about these remarks and emphasized the importance of safeguarding the independence of the judiciary in accordance with the separation of powers.
Roberts Thomas is calling on the two leaders to retract their statements.
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Truth hurt huh? Condem PM.MIA MOTLEY for stating the truth? Antigua Barbuda don’t have room to talk so let there be light. All of you should be thanking her braveness instead. .
Comments are few. Guess because it wasn’t Gaston so no vilification.
You are so right. The Browne haters such as Brixtonian have no comments at all on this. Mia is their favorite girl.
Hi @ From The Sideline, much blessings to you and I hope your day is going well.
The only thing I will say on this subject, is that I look forward to our judiciary ditching the UK’S Privy Council and we start using the CCJ court system that many Caribbean countries are now turning to.
Have a great day Sideline 👍
On u mean the same CCJ Pearl Quinn-Williams brag that she lead the campaign for Antiguans to reject and stick to the Privy Council That same CCJ y’all say ya nah want. LMAO u got jokes today🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hope you can convince many of your UPP supporters to vote for the CCJ and have more trust and faith in our own.
I hope you guys are keeping an eye on the Scandals of the US Supreme Court. All of them are so corrupt it’s not funny. But the news media here don’t seem to want to carry those scandals.
I guess it would finally show that our system is better than theirs. No political influence whatsoever. No Judge is appointed by any politician.
Nailed it. The name Gaston Browne bring clicks, likes comments and clut!!!!!!
Well, well, well. Antigua has a bar association? In my opinion, you have lost relevance here. Situations here have beckoned your outcry and you remained silent. Its like you are in your little corner cowering in fear, opting for self-preservation rather than function the way you are supposed to. Nope. I will regard nothing you say NOW as relevant. Motley and Gonsalves have a point. Why wasn’t the DAWG there? Come on bar association! Wheel and come again.
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