The Pesticides Toxic and Chemical Control Board in Antigua and Barbuda has taken a significant step by bidding farewell to mosquito coils, a move that is undeniably in the best interest of public health. While mosquito coils have proven effective in repelling mosquitoes, they have long raised concerns due to the harmful pollutants they release.
It’s akin to battling fire with fire, but in this case, it’s smoke with smoke.
Recent research has exposed the worrisome truth that the smoke emitted by these coils contains volatile organic compounds, some of which are known or suspected carcinogens, posing severe health risks to users.
Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer, whether from the environment or human-made sources like cigarette smoke or vehicle emissions.
Dr. Linroy Christian, Chairman of the Board, made a commendable decision to ban mosquito coils during a stakeholder conference held as part of Pesticides Awareness Week, emphasizing the commitment to raise awareness about pesticide-related health hazards.
Dr. Christian also drew attention to other products containing harmful chemicals, highlighting the importance of safeguarding public health.
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Crazy!!!!! Gotta start hiding them like contrabands.
Ban mosquito coils now, after decades of use?
Does this means, that the government has documented and verified facts, that these products have caused harm, is causing and will continue to cause harm to humans?
If, they do, can our AG do some work for his knighthood and bring a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers, like in the case(s) against Cigarette manufacturers?
Will the government encourage entrepreneurs, to come up with products from our local FEVER(lemon)GRASS, neem etc, to replace mosquito coils?
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
I stopped using them years ago. Nothing triggers asthma faster than this
We have been calling Antigua our second home since the 2000s, staying 2 to 3 times years for 4 to 6 weeks at a time. During those times, we would stay at Jolly Beach within a stone-throw away from the beach to do our daily fishing on the beach. In the early morning especially we would be waken up with the songs of Antigua’s beautiful assortment of colorful small birds on our terrace and throughout the estate of Jolly Beach as well as when we took the bus to St. John. But, since the year 2016, we have seen hardly any birds at all. We don’t hear their daily songs and in the morning especially, we hardly receive any visits from these beautiful birds. Those loud trucks which shoots out the huge black clouds throughout the island and especially near the tourists areas to “help” eliminate the mosquitoes for the tourists benefits have also the health of those bird’s nesting and especially the eggs that these birds (hopefully) lay. Compared to those “coils”, these trucks (which I have seen many times “twice” daily during our stay in Antigua) have totally destroyed and most likely, made these birds future extinct. Destroying nature and its creatures will never come back to Antigua and other parts of the world. And By-The-Way….Have not eliminated the mosquito problem at all, nor never will. Those Smoking Trucks driving all around the hillside and near the beaches only has destroyed the important nature Antigua once had.
Dengue outbreak? No problem, just ban mosquito coils!
Yet government still fogging using dangerous chemicals.
This is crap in my opinion.
If I have an influx of mosquitoes on my gallery, I can’t light a coil to run them?
These people don’t have any work to do?
People smoke cigarettes, cigars, marijuana and all kind of things in public but do we hear from these people and the safeguarding of public health?
Trupz. People why you all don’t just go away?
Part of the “environmentalist” movement is to ban everything that makes civil, modern life possible.
I’ll add that sunlight is carcinogenic as well, do you enviro nazis propose to pull a tarp over your island?
There are other more environmentally friendly ways to battle mosquitoes e.g. keep windows closed at dusk and dawn, install gauze on windows, wear light coloured clothing, paint houses in light colours, use the electronic swatters, plant mosquito repelling plants in your yard, use vanilla or lemongrass or eucalyptus oil repellent on the body etc.
Let’s ban what cost 2.50 XCD but allow what cost 25.00 XCD + 15% ABST
Is just everything about money=green. Those nazi environmentalist is forcing their freaking and nasty agenda,poor of the generations to come
Did these people attend diploma mills to get their Doctorate?
(1) Dr. Linroy Christian, Chairman of the Board, made a commendable decision to ban mosquito coils. A commendable decision. I’m not questioning the merits of the decision. This person is the Chairman. Isn’t it a Board decision?
(2) during a stakeholder conference held as part of Pesticides Awareness Week. Who are the stakeholders? Aren’t they the public? What else was the public made aware of?
(3) emphasizing the commitment to raise awareness about pesticide-related health hazards.
Was there anything else of value that came out of the conference that the Stakeholders (public) should be aware of?
(4) Dr. Christian also drew attention to other products containing harmful chemicals, highlighting the importance of safeguarding public health.
What are the other products? Is the Chairman drawing attention to harmful chemical but keeping them a secret?
What are the means by which vendors distributors and the public are informed about alternatives.
One of mih Tobagonian partners told me that I must keep a Rosemarie plant in mih bedroom. That keeps them away. Have not tried it yet. Try it. You might like it.
Let us know if you tried it and the outcome.
Just ban moskitos…problem solved…
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