Antigua and Barbuda Aiming to Become More Developed Country in Two Decades


**Antigua and Barbuda Aiming to Become Caricom More Developed Country in Two Decades**

Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Hon. Gaston Browne, has expressed optimism that Antigua and Barbuda could emerge as one of Caricom’s More Developed Countries (MDCs) within the next two decades.

This belief is based on the country’s continued robust socio-economic development.

Caricom’s MDCs currently include Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Prime Minister Browne made these remarks in light of Antigua and Barbuda’s recent climb of 17 places to 54th in the latest Human Development Index from the United Nations.

He emphasized, “Perhaps in the next 15 to 20 years, Antigua and Barbuda will be considered to be an MDC within Caricom, not necessarily an LDC (Less Developed Country), based on the trajectory.” Browne also highlighted the importance of ambitious visions in driving performance, stating, “There was always a saying that you should not limit your ambition. We had set a very noble vision of transforming Antigua and Barbuda into an economic powerhouse within the Caribbean. That powerhouse is obviously taking root, and I believe that these types of large visions and ambitions help to drive performance.”

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  1. By the time 15-20 years comes along, people will be saying “Gaston who?!”

    And in 15-20 years time people will be saying “ah wha’ happen to the ABLP???”


    HIP HIP … 😁

  2. The spin doctor at work with what he dies best.
    Gaston spins a tale about economic development; while ignoring growing economic inequality.
    Economic inequality is the most serious problem facing our nation.
    It leads to more crime, and a large portion of the country virtually begging for their next meal.

  3. I support the Antigua citizenship-by-investment program 100%. If you compare the illegal Jamaicans etc vs. citizens that invest, it’s like night and day (pardon the pun).

    Our citizenship program seems to be fairly well administered, although the financial reports could be more timely.

    They should also update the Antigua citizenship-by-investment website. It looks like it was built in 2015 era, time to refresh!

    • I am sure I read that twenty thousand CIP passports were sold. Another twenty thousand, and these people and their families moving to Antigua and you will then realize what will happen to the indigenous Antiguans.

  4. Start now 4th world infra structure no where can a mother or. dad push a pram safely along any pavement safely on this Island Kingdom .In a Kingdom your Honourship where one is knee deep in plastic rubbish is there any effort of green recycling be it even easily reused glass bottles or jars or no compulsion on the big vultures such as Epicure or First Choice to even make a semblance of effort.Have you even heard of the World wide Global challenge of helpiing. the environment.
    Start now 20 yrs I guarantee unless attitudes change nothing will happen

  5. Building houses to give educated people domestic jobs?get out of here you looser…….Build factories, bring investors to antigua,wouldn’t that be better than running down the country???Worst prime Minister ever lead antigua……..Fool that man gaston be

  6. What other BS acronym is Gaston Browne going to create to fool people.

    What LDC ? Is this the new GMP ?

    People want low taxes.. Clean running water.. road without craters…. Safety in their homes and on the streets… … living wages… efficiency and productivity among government workers. … transparency in government.

    LDC and MDC are fabricated BS to make fools feel good even-though they can’t even have a healthy meal.

  7. Hon. Gaston Browne is a man with the VISION. ALL the UPP termites always complain and oppose every DAMN thing. UPP don’t have a vision of ANTIGUA. BRIXTONIAN is an ADVISOR to UPP. What BIG joke. UPP oppose.the following.





    Now They are living off of the above mentioned. UPP bunch of HYPOCRITES. SHAME. SHAME.

    • Psssst @ RUPERT MANN, I’m going to let you into another of my secrets. Shhh, keep it to yourself though 🤫

      All I want for everyone living in Antigua & Barbuda (including you Rupert), is to know where real prosperity comes from – and not just for the few, but for the many.

      Gaston Browne and his friends and associates will NEVER reveal their own secrets to us, on how to make money by the plethora of revenue streams – be it through property; the stock market; nom dom tax status; or other viable investments that keep the multitude of dollars rolling in

      I learnt a long time ago that you needed around a half-a-dozen separate revenue streams to try and attain prosperity.


      Of course Gaston Browne and the ABLP will keep pushing the servitude of the hospitality sector for Antiguans to work in, but they know and understand where the REAL wealth comes from.


  8. better infrastructure, medical care, financial stability, higher education for all etc.
    The PM maybe correct with his assessment 🤔.

  9. Why UPP and Their MINIONS are jealous of Hon.Gaston Browne? BRIXTONIAN and His TERMITES squandor Their lives away. Hon.Gaston Browne invested His money and now He is a He is from a poor background and built Himself to be Prime Minister. UPP and Minions are JEALOUS.

    • @Fern
      Would you be jealous of someone who stole and are stealing your assets to get rich? You sound so pathetic. Most UPP supporters are far too intelligent to not realize something is wrong when only one family is getting richer and richer and the other citizens are scraping to get by. You people don’t know what is good for your own selves. Lack of intelligence.

    • @Fern
      Would you be jealous of someone who stole and are stealing your assets to get rich? You sound so pathetic. Most UPP supporters are far too intelligent to not realize something is wrong when only one family is getting richer and richer and the other citizens are scraping to get by. You people don’t know what is good for your own selves. Lack of intelligence.

  10. He’s been there 10 years. Point to ONE THING you insipid, semi-illiterate, cool-aid drinking Labourites and Gastonites, that this fool has done that in 20 years we can look back and credit him with. Enriching himself, his family and cronies doesn’t count. That would spell corruption and nepotism.
    In the 10 years under this dunce, Antigua and Barbuda has never been more dirty, dilapidated, derelict, poverty stricken, crime ridden; the health system is in shambles, the water is unreliable, statuary boards are being raped, land swaps are rampant, corruption is at its highest involving every governmental department
    and civil servants. Then look at his infamous Economic Zones, just giving Antigua away with no benefits to the country.
    With the kind of money that has cycled through this country, Antigua and Barbuda should be one of the most advanced, modern society in the Caribbean, but Birdism and now this clown has ensured the country remain poor. Unless this stops, and sooner rather than later, we will continue to regress.

  11. How are you going to do it? Maybe you should tell us. If this were going to happen, the seeds should be planted now. Where are the high tech companies? Where are the new industries? You like to hear yourself talk, but it is just that, talk. Antiguans will never see any prosperity under your government, because honest, foreign investors won’t deal with your corrupt government. They won’t pay a bribe. If you really want to see development in Antigua, don’t run in the next election and see what the next government does.

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