Antigua and Barbuda Advances Public Safety with New Sex Offenders Registry


Antigua and Barbuda will establish its Sex Offenders Registry by mid-September, according to Public Safety Minister and Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin.


Minister Benjamin announced that the registry will be operational within weeks and emphasized its importance for public safety.

The registry follows the passage of the Sex Offenders Registry Bill 2022, aimed at reducing sexual reoffending and enhancing safety.

The Bill will facilitate monitoring of offenders and sharing information with other OECS jurisdictions.

It also allows individuals to verify if someone is a registered sex offender and determines who can access this information.

Minister Benjamin stressed the importance of community awareness, stating, “If a known sex offender is moving into the community, it is right for residents to be informed.”


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  1. what does Ian “Magic” Hughes think about this???? Wonder if he will use Crusader radio to share his views?

  2. Yes the public on a whole should be able to access this registry. It will help women alot. By knowing who these men are women, especially women with children will know so they will stay clear of these men. I believe this will help the decline in child molestation. Everyone should have access because this is not something to hide. We want society to be safe, we also want the reduction in child molestation. Thank you.

  3. Long overdue, especially for the protection of ourvwomen and children. Many developed countries have these sex offenders regulations and registers in place, so that everyone knows what kind of deviants and sexual predators live nearby or next door to them.

    Hopefully, the date for this important implementation doesn’t get pushed back by Benjamin …

  4. He knows about every body business going from Pillar to post, providing commentary on matters of national interest, so its expected for him to procide a statement on this matter.

  5. the polticains and their cronies that like to prey on young girls for sex in exchange for money once caught engaging in such activity need to be registered too..the age of consent needs to be changed from 16 to 18. i don’t see why a man in his 40s 50s and 60s needs to be running up and down with teenagers.

  6. Well I hope it will bring the politician men to light for the ones that love to harass these young girls and bribe them and their parents with money dehhhhh I’ll be watching I see them all the time perverted fks.

  7. we see these perverts in our parliament all the time, both on the UPP and ABLP acting like their shit don’t stink. it’s just so amazing to see how all of you are so against many of the things you’re involved in. I fear for our young boys and girls in Antigua with these predators that get away with slap on the wrist because of thier money and power. The law needs to hold everyone accountable for their actions no special treatment should be given

    • hope you are not a pervert standing on a soapbox pretending to be righteous… the boys and girls need to fear you and people like you……who act and look trustworhty but are actually WOLF IN SHEEP CLOTHING! Expose your ass for all to see

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