Sandy beaches, clear skies, great drinks and a
sparkling ocean that seems to just beg for a scuba diving trip – does this not
sound like the perfect vacation?
Well, it certainly does for me! And if you disagree, I bet it’s probably because you’ve never been to paradise on earth: Antigua.
One of the main Caribbean islands, Antigua is known for its beaches – no surprise after my little introduction, huh 🙂 – but that’s not the only reason that Antigua is one of the most favored cruise stops in the entire world.
Oh no, there’s plenty more to Antigua than just relax on the beach with an ice cold drink (although that doesn’t sound half bad to me!), things like friendly locals, an exotic bird sanctuary, and sunsets that look like paintings from Da Vinci himself.
Read on to learn the specifics as to why cruising to Antigua is one of my absolute favorite ways to experience it. You won’t be disappointed.
Image Credit: Celebrity Cruises Port Antigua
Proud Locals Offering Great Advice for Food & Drink
What makes a great community? Some might say good food. Others may say it comes down to the weather.
Both are great, but a good town really comes down to the people that live there. The truth of this statement really hits when you enter a community where the locals don’t like tourists and aren’t afraid to show it.
Well, Antigua is the exact opposite of that. In fact, of all the tours I’ve ever been on I would have to say that Antigua might be the friendliest cruise port that I’ve ever stopped at.
Why, might you ask? Well, to be honest most of the time locals try to hide their best food and drink spots, wanting to keep them all to themselves. Not the case with Antigua.
Whether it is a hole in the wall rum joint or a off-menu special at a 5-star restaurant, the locals will offer a hand to help. And in my book, that alone makes Antigua a one-of-a-kind location.
Frigate Bird Sanctuary: A Place Not Just For Bird Lovers!
The subheading doesn’t lie! Frigate Bird Sanctuary is a must-see location for everyone, not just the bird-loving-folk!
You’re probably thinking, “Oh okay, what makes you so sure of that?”
Well, consider this: the Frigate Bird Sanctuary has a 4.5 rating on Trip Advisor with comments such as “you have to check this out” and “I don’t know what to say except you must see this.”
For a bird sanctuary, I’d say that is pretty spectacular.
For cruise goers looking to check out these beautiful flocks of birds, there are a ton of tour options available ranging from slow cruising boat rides to easy sailing through the island.
Whichever you choose, just make sure you don’t miss it!
Ending With a Perfect Sunset
Last but not least, the best part of Antigua has to be the picturesque sunsets. But of course, there isn’t much I can say about those. I don’t want to ruin all the fun. You’ll just have to go visit to see for yourself 😉
Now it is your turn! Have you ever taken a cruise over to Antigua? If so, what was your favorite spot? Would love to hear all the great recommendations you received from the locals, so leave a comment below!
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Antigua is a wonderful place. Yes, there are problems just like other places, but the positives by far outweigh any negatives. The people are the jewels of this island. Yes, there are a few scamps, but most of them are already in 1735 and for the rest it’s just a matter of time. It’s a beautiful country. God bless Antigua and Barbuda, the gem of the Caribbean. What a wonderful, wonderful place filled with some of the most wonderful people in the world. Antigua is not perfect, but it’s fantastic in every well. Yes, it’s “cool”.
ANR hope the ministry of tourism paying for this article. Whenever you get pay take a cruise on Carnival to include Antigua whenever they come back, rent a car drive around Antigua, walk around St. John’s, then come back and write what you see honestly. This is the problem in this country we keep painting a false outlook of Antigua, before we hold the people who work for government to be accountable to this naturally beautiful country.
Was there a false outlook put out under UPP?
Knight no disrespect … but u come across very childish winning at everything …if this island is so horrible why dont u go back to the us of a which u seem to praise so much …. i really do not have tolerance for any anyone who sell out there birth right just for a US passport …boss u r a fraud …
@curios WELL SAID! He needs a hug. What an old man with a bitter, sad attitude.
Mr. Curious I totally agree with you. Mr. Knight a Person who sees the WORST in everything the ABLP does. He does NOT realize what He is doing. Please be more positive. I DO NOT listen to your show anymore beacause of your attitude towards Antigua. You are destroying the The Observer Brand. I hope the new Management of Observer would realize what you and Janice are creating such a NEGATIVE Impact on Their Company. If you GUYS continue on this track the Oberver Radio will be short lived. Hope you smarten up. On the other hand Please continue because you are keeping The U P P ,MOVEMENT,GO GREEN , DNA , TRUE LABOUR in OPPOSITION for ever. Please continue.
I totally agree with you.
Mr. Knight are all the Protests by THE FAITHFULL NATIONALS working ? I believe that They are wasting time. The Project will be completed and All Antiguans will be Proud. Please support the Project and stop all the NEGATIVITY.
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