Anthony Smith, who resigned from the United Progressive Party (UPP) on Monday, will be sworn in as the country’s agriculture minister tomorrow, replacing E.P. Chet Green.
There are unconfirmed reports that Smith might also handle responsibilities for the Blue Economy.
The swearing-in ceremony will take place at The Government House on Tuesday morning.
Smith’s resignation letter, handed to the UPP only hours ago, was highly critical of the party, citing misaligned goals and visions.
Earlier today, Antigua.news reported Smith’s departure from the UPP.
On January 18, Smith won a decisive victory as the UPP’s candidate, unseating the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party’s Michael Browne.
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These people make because of money they will do anything and don’t even care about the people that vote for them kmt
ABLP supporters have been denigrating the UPP members for as long as I can remember (maybe even longer); and now they are embracing another UPP defector – and they now love he.
The desperation of these ABLP’S tactics to destabilise the ongoing GROWTH of the UPP is quite laughable really. However moving around the “political” deck chairs of this government’s SINKING SHIP only delays the inevitability of their demise.
Poaching players from another party doesn’t mean a thing, because in the end, it is not down to Gaston Browne but the ELECTORATE at large who will decide who governs this beautiful island of ours.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
“Stand firm and gird your loins UPP, stand firm!!!”
UPP will go down as the dumbest political party in history. Go Pringle.. Fish(s) caught.Choices have consequences. haahaaaa
I never could quite understand the optics of persons switching sides mid-breath (so to speak). Especially if when that switch happens it now gives you a “V.I.P pass” in the new party.
Now, I’ll be clear, everyone is free to change political affiliation, the team you were with looses you, and depending on your accomplishments so far in that party, it could be a very large loss or a somewhat smaller loss, to the party as a whole and your immediate supporters within that organisation.
It may not technically be a loss to the voters, but if you were voted in Under the expectation of XYZ, now that you have changed without going back to the people it could affect their hopes and expectations to a degree.
On the other hand I would think it can affect the new party you’re joining if persons within that organisation who have been trying to reach higher heights feel blindsided or overlooked when what is seen as an “outsider” all of a sudden gets a prime spot.
All the UPP Dogs are returning to eat their vomit, ABLP. Where is the leadership of the UPP to stop the departures from the Party. That Party seems to be built on spineless men of straw.Look at the history of the Party.
What a sell out! He should resign from parliament, this is not what his constituents voted for.
Of course he is a COMRED now what a shocker😱. Wonder who will jump ship next. Maybe now brixdabitch will get from behind his keyboard and throw his hat in the political ring since the party he so proud of have a vacancies.
Very sad situation for a rising star. Does he realize that he will now be required to go on radio and curse his former party? Just look at the others if you don’t believe. This decision is going to cause you long term pain young man, even though you may find it immediately gratifying.
The quote by Scarface, “All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don’t break ’em for no one,”💯..
Unbelievable… Woooooow!!!!!!
#political_wharf_rats on the move.
This resignation by Anthony Smith highlights one thing, and this is money. The People are just the #stepping_stones in the river, to be stepped on, in order for these politicians not getting their #bally’s wet.
This resignation and instant appointment, by someone who was vilified by the ABLP, and them once he switches allegiance, from the UPP to the ABLP becomes an instant Minister with a Portfolio MUST be rubbing the stalwarts of Labour like ‘salt in a wound.’
Tek Time Walk Fast!
Wah Sweet Ah Goat Mouth!
Ah go sour, de a him backside!
Again, another #political_wharf_rat jumping ship, and this is nothing new in the BLOOD SPORT known as, politics.
The question begs, what now, of the ABLP Primary in ASW between Regis Burton and Lamin?
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Gaston did speak the truth after all.
I am not sure how this works for Smith. His political career will be done after this parliamentary term. ALP will have either Burton or Newton as their candidate for ASW and UPP will select a new candidate for that seat. Smith can’t join ALP and enter the race to be ASW candidate as he will have to resign his parliamentary seat in he joins another political party. He also cannot win as an independent.
UPP, you’re down to 5 seats now; it may be 4 soon. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar!
The OLD FARTS of the UPP may as well start digging the grave for UPPs burial.
And, I’m not a labour supporter but, I’m also not in denial — I can see where this party is heading. Good luck to y’all on your race to the bottom.
School children say getting the western union franchise in antigua is not good enough for him, he is going where he think the money is and was enticed by the self enrichment philosophy of the cult ALP.
The UPP is destroying it own self. Once you challenge to run for the leadership of the party you become Giselle public enemy. She will encourage other members to sideline you. Executive members wake up and save the party.
@ Cool Ruler
You are spot on!
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with ‘cracks’ and ‘implosion’ within the UPP. If as you say the UPP is devoid of aspiration and ideas then why does Gaston and the ABLP keep taking ‘talents’ away.
You obviously DO NOT KNOW that the hearts of men are deceitful and desperately wicked. JUST ASK ANTHONY THE EC$6,500,000.00 (the six and a half million dollars he was paid to ‘jump ship’ so that at least he could service his EC$700,000.00 DEBT.
Do not blame the UPP. Anthony like Dwayne, Lamin et al has NO SOUL. They are Judas’ and can be bought for ANYTHING!
Politics make the strangest bed fellows. I must give credit to the ABLP surrogates and operatives who continues to infiltrate the UPP party in some secretive and covert operation and literally huff its members at will, most of whom have no guts, no credibility, no doctrine and no commitment to anyone so they will move to wherever they see opportunities. The talk about being an independent MP is just a farce as his complete assimilation within the ranks of the ABLP is all but assured with his big prize of the Agricultural Ministry.
Little does Mr Smith knows, whilst this might temporarily delay and postpone the pending primary in All Saint West, neither Regis Burton nor Lamin Newton would surrender any grounds to him and so his decision to switch is all but killing his future political aspirations.
@tenman aka #da_🦎_Chameleon, of many #Hughes’…
A…even the Blind Witch of Belarus, could’ve seen the move by Gaston Browne, and his ABLP pups prior to the UPP Convention, and saw that their support for Jamal ‘im_nah_ready’ Pringle, as Leader of the UPP was a #total_farse! Hence, your present statement regarding Pringle. “go Pringle fish(s) caught…Hahahahahaha…”
One #Garrot_Parable dat nah ebbah Wrang, ah dis yah, ‘cause, it #generatuonal…”WAH SWEET, DEY AH GOAT_MOUT; AH GOH SOUR DEY, AH HIM KUKKAH_HOLE!”
B…next! If Anthony Smith has so much cohones/balls, wears the pants in his bed, jam #iron lakkah All Saints Iron Band, has the power and fortitude, as an Asot Michael; then, all he, Anthony Smith has to do is RESIGN his seat in Parliament, put ASW Constituency up for a BY-ELECTION like what happened in St. Mary’s South, run as a MEMBER of the ABLP, it’s not too late, he can make it a THREE(3) WAY DAWG DERBY, they can use a browne paper bag fashioned as the #Top_Dawg ass and have them chase it, as the hounds do to Rabbits Tail at the Dog Track.
Once, he wins the Primary in ASW for the ABLP(and he won’t and can’t), he can then run as the ABLP Candidate (Dwayne ‘🤡’ George Style) and lose to the UPP Candidate….Harold Lovell would make the best Candidate for ASW on the UPP Ticket. By The Way, Harold needs a next set of Political Balls/Cohobes.
Again, if Anthony Smith has any cohones/balls RESIGN from Parliament.
And, if Gaston did not buy him out and he stays on as the Minister of Agriculture, then maybe he could show his #salt, curb the growing African Snail Problem and advance the Agriculture and Aquaculture Industries into a more prosperous, productive, beneficial, INDUSTRY for the NATION. and its People!
Annah all tree dat luk lakkah Mangineel, powerful lakkah Mangineel!
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
For the love of money is the root of all evils.The UPP as a Political Party are asleep at the switch.The Party won the Bye Election in St Mary’s South.They should have used that as a spring board to catapult them into the next Elections.They made a HUGE MISTAKE.When they met and selected that leader.The Leadership needs to be kicked out on their arses now not later.Some people could be easily bought.Just show them a few dollars.
Look pan UPP a cry!! 😂 This one sweet bad. Gazelle bawling. Serpent slithering.
Ooh the ship is sinking fast. Ooh who can save the day?
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