All Saints West MP Anthony Smith Apologizes to UPP Supporters Following Resignation
All Saints West MP Anthony Smith has apologized to United Progressive Party (UPP) supporters who were hurt following his resignation from the party.
“The United Progressive Party I joined 4 years ago is not the same UPP today,” Smith stated during a parliamentary session dedicated to “Personal Explanations.”
“I mean no disrespect to their supporters because you have good members within the UPP.”
Smith addressed the falsehoods being spread about him, saying, “The lies that are being spread in the public about me is not a true definition of my character. When you don’t know a man’s story, you should not tell it.”
He acknowledged the impact of his departure, saying, “I understand my departure from the United Progressive Party would have hurt a few persons.
And when I was contemplating making this decision, it was not about the backlash or ridicule I would get. But what made me wonder was the hurt I would place on some persons I was able to build and form a bond with.
But I say to those persons, Mr. Speaker, that I sincerely apologize, but I had to take the best decision that was in the best interest of the people of All Saints West and Antigua and Barbuda.”
Smith also condemned the opposition’s attempts to malign his character, stating, “It does not give reason for members of the opposition to bring me down and assassinate my character.
It is wrong. I am the same genuine, caring, honest Anthony Smith that served the UPP. Honest integrity and trustworthiness are some of the hallmarks I build myself on, and I will continue to be who I am.”
His explanation was marked by applause from members of the house and those in the audience.
Opposition MP’s walked out of the House as Smith rose to speak only to return after his explanation.
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Anthony Smith made the decision on his own behalf selfishly, He never considered All saints West constituents, he never considered persons that have been rallying behind him supporting him to put him in the position to win that sit at All Sainrs West. What he did to us is hurtful. We are grieved and if Anthony Smith decides to run for all since West on the ALP ticket he can never get to our vote.
You deceive the people that supported you. Quick question if you see similar issues in your new team. What will be your response. Don’t see you as a true team member only seeing glory no guts.
Six million. That is what it took!
Took balls to do what he did. Many look at only the $$$ but a man has to shape his own destiny.
The grass is only greener on the other side.
Get off the mans back… he did wat was best for him and the ppl of Antigua 🇦🇬 👏 …. was he to stay there where he felt unwelcome?
You ingrate, Gaston would not even know who you are if you didn’t win your seat. You used the people of that constituency for your own political gain. If you are so genuine why not resign from being a member of parliament and give the people back their right to choose. Remember what they say about karma
UPP 2028 🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦
Only who in the kitchen feels the heat. Sir you made your decision.. And if the people who voted for you can’t understand then so be it. Voter only care about party and colour, they don’t care about each other.
If it feels off, then leave. I support a man who stands for equal rights and justice.
Politics is nasty.
Once you oppose the leadership then you’re doomed
This apology is like Brutus,after stabbing Julius Caesar, in the back with co-conspirators,stood looking him in the eye with a knife dripping with blood.
Enjoy the fruits of your treachery Fables, you apology is UNACCEPTABLE.
Say Brutus, standing with the bloody knife in his hands, after mortally wounding his friend Julius Caesar.
Enjoy your blood money Anthony Smith. Your apology is UNACCEPTED.
Why you never resign from the UPP and be as an independent candidate like Mr. Michael why you take side with the ABLP????? You are nothing but a big sel out all because Gaston bribed you talk the truth
Every tub haffu sit pan it own battum! Damn if you do, and still damn if you don’t Thete are plenty of us who would have done the exact same thing and say worse and do worse! May God guide you in your endeavors! 70 x 7 He has forgiven!
Lowlife, you can take your apology and stuff it.
Its politics that what it is ! So many others have crossed over that bridge and all have the same report there is no secret about what goes on and they are today well positioned and leaders of the ABLP making Sterling contributions to their country and feeling the love of welcome of their comrades we strive better without animosity and conflict its the human design of feeling love and beloved so Anthony ons day can be the PM because he has the potential and will be given the opportunity to do so just give him your blessings and tap cuss the young man
It seems like a selfish & greedy decision. The people didn’t vote for you to cross aisle. The honorable thing to do was to resign the run as an Independent candidate. If I had voted for him I would be annoyed.
Don’t get too comfortable on your Judas Iscariot stool, Anthony Smith. Before the saga is over you may be found hanging from a tree, just like the old time Judas, maddened by the magnitude of your treachery and betrayal, your $6M of China’s bribe money, the “life changing opportunity” of no more use to you. You know, and crazy Gaston knows, and the Chinese puppet masters know, that what you are doing is in total breach of Sec 41(1) (e) of the constitution of the State of Antigua and Barbuda. The Privy Council, still our highest court, will ultimately arbitrate this matter and will order you dragged from our parliament like the stinking dog you are. But this is the hidden strategy of Gaston and the Chinese puppeteers: Use greedy punk arse Smith to start a process that will destabilize the single opposition UPP that is already weakened by the assault of Richard Lewis and his faction of immature conceited politically ignorant followers, who are prepared, like crazy Gaston and the corrupt Speaker to say “To hell with the Constitution”, (in this the Constitution of the UPP). And while the nation waits for the long process of the legal challenge to ugly Smith’s breach of Sec 41(1)(e), a general election is called when sick Robin is finally dead. Thinking they have effectively used Judas Iscariot to weaken and destabilize the single opposition to the point where they cannot put up an effective electoral challenge, crazy Gaston and corrupt ABLP sail away with an increased parliamentary majority, to the applause of their Beijing masters, who congratulate themselves on the $6M well spent ! That, my dear people, is the medium term conspiracy to destroy democracy in Antigua and set up the Xi Jingping style dictatorship that will serve the hemispheric strategic interests of the Communist Party of China. all the talk about “toxic UPP” and other such rubbish is just a thick smokescreen so that those who have eyes but cannot see will be deceived into clueless compliance with the master plan agreed in Beijing a few months ago. Be prepared, my people ! Stand firm, UPP !
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