Angela Mejia Remanded To Prison, placed in isolation


A 20-year-old Hispanic woman appeared in the St John’s Magistrates’ Court in Antigua on Monday as police maintained a heightened presence in a bid to ward off people, calling for the immediate death sentence to be imposed on the woman accused of murdering a nine-year-old school girl.

Angela Mejia appeared before Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel during an early morning court session without legal representation and has been remanded to His Majesty’s Prison, where she has been placed in isolation.

She will return to court on June 4.

Police say Mejia admitted to killing the Five Islands Primary School student, Chantel Crump, and led authorities to the location where the body was found in Weatherills last week.

Chantel was last seen alive last Wednesday when she was taken in a vehicle while heading home from school, with police reporting she waved to her friends from the vehicle.Meanwhile, Prime Minister Gaston Browne has confirmed that his administration is renewing its request for external assistance to bolster local law enforcement efforts in investigating recent homicides.

Speaking on his weekly radio programme, Browne said that the government had previously sought support from Scotland Yard to aid in solving outstanding murder cases, including the recent tragic killing of Crump, and is now pushing to expedite the process.

“I know that the ministry of legal affairs, with the assistance of foreign affairs, had written to Scotland Yard to assist us with two females who were killed sometime last year.

“I’m told—I just followed up today with the attorney general—that there may have been some delays. I am not aware of precisely what created this delay, but I’ve asked him to kindly renew the request to get foreign affairs to renew the request and to try and get them here as soon as possible because we want to demonstrate to the Antiguan public that we’re utilising all resources available to us, including external assistance,” Browne said.

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  1. No lawyer should tek on this case or defend her…. No money the world could get me to tek on this case. The gyal anyone attached to this tragic situation deserves the outcome that they did to poor Chantel

  2. The people need to get information so they can look into it and other girls can come forward. Each time you do not is a count that will come out when proven to be true.

  3. What was the motive for killing Chantel ?
    Police need to speak out, how else the public will effectively help with speaking out ?
    Are there marks of violence on the body ?

    The public is too much in the dark. It’s sensitive information but way too much is being withheld from the public. This beginning to look fishy and dark on the Police Force.

  4. What of the supporting cast???? This whole matter is beginning to stink to high heaven!!! Mr. Commissioner(ag.), Mr. A.G., Mr. PM your silence is deafening. A female cannot rape a child! Everybody knows that the diabless did not execute this mission on her own. Why is the diable who was taken onto custody not publicly identified and arrested. Haul in the so-called leader of the Hispanic association for questioning. He has PUBLICLY DECLARED according to local news portals that he had communicated with the female accused and was told by her that she did not act alone. So why this information black out. The court appearance and subsequent remanding to prison of this “child” will not deter the public from keeping the powers that be under close scrutiny. Where are the big old men involved in this heinous act? Speak up! The public has a right to information!

  5. so you’re telling me that she will be placed on isolation, her next court appearance is till june?? waw. and what about the guy. he’s free and walking. he admit to everything and he’s not involved but its his car, his home. tell me how he’s not involved. anyway, Justice for chantel. Death penalty is what we want.

  6. ofc she would want a lawyer. she’s working in a group and they already have a lawyer. im sure another sacrifice will be made to win her over this case. Angela is not working alone and she has her people behind her. This is all planned. Authorities need to do better investigation and stop protecting her. This will just happen to another person child. maybe just they may not find the person who did it this time. let’s be frl. all these vehicles driving around without license plate check them and leave me without my seatbelt.

  7. aye listen. ISOLATION? JUNE? it took her hours to kill this princess and y’all giving her months of peace? this child died with not a inch of peace. she died crying and screaming and this girl going in isolation? let them people kill her up there mon

  8. Isolation???????? Wah isolation you a tell me bout. KILL DAHDEY. They couldn’t even allow the family in court today and they telling me about isolation. she was suppose to walk t court with two buckets of water and back to base with the two buckets of water in the scorching sun. She supoose to sleep on the ground in the yard with no sheet. COME ON!!

  9. FAITHFUL NATIONAL#1, well said others must be involved it doesn’t take a braniac to realize that, get the information out of her either by hook or crook, even if we have to bringing Scotland Yard or the FBI squeeze the damn information out of her I am not trying to belittle our detectives but I do not believe they are experience enough, we cannot drop the ball on this one

  10. They should lock her and throw away the key. Why is she event placed in isolation? They should let the other females handle her. Is females she like anyway. What a sick little bitch. I wonder if this girl is even in her right mind. We wanna see how the law gonnn handle her little assss

  11. You charge one and only one youth in the high profile murder of Asot and investigation over, please don’t do this to Chantel. Investigators need to dig deep in this, cause this Narry looking gal can’t be this brave and evil at the same time to commit such wickedness by herself. Had to be someone else hiding in that back seat.
    Think about it a little boy around the same age, height, slightly same looks still missing to this day and as Chantel father said of her ” keeps to herself” seems to keep to himself also, both attended the Five islands primary, here is the big question is there an individual at this school recruiting and providing pictures, names and other information, is there a wring member station at this school?
    When you can just randomly pick up a kid and take his or her life just like that without any motive, drive home and park your car like nothing happened, knowing full well you were recognized Wadadli is in big trouble and a scary place to be right now.

  12. I would like to know why the guy who was with this monster isn’t charged in this case? His car was used to transport this little angel and his house was used to keep her so, why it seems like someone is protecting this guy?

  13. There should be prayers in all corners of Antigua, so that justice can be served. This murder is an assignment from the pit of hell. There is no motive. Wake up people, Wake up

  14. Let me say this she is going to go to prison then the case is going ti adjourn because of lack of evidence the everybody is going to forget about her then she dissappear out of antigua smh because she know the big soup them who involve in all sorts in antigua so them a go get the rid of she b4 she talk

  15. An accessory to murder is someone who aids or assists in the commission of a murder, either before or after the act, but is not directly involved in the killing itself. This can include helping plan the murder, covering up the crime, or assisting the perpetrator after the crime.

    Accessory Before the Fact:
    This refers to someone who aids or encourages the principal offender before the murder occurs. Examples include providing weapons, helping plan the crime, or offering financial support.

    Accessory After the Fact:
    This refers to someone who helps the principal offender avoid arrest, prosecution, or punishment after the murder has been committed. Examples include hiding evidence, providing a false alibi, or assisting with the offender’s escape.

    Legal Consequences:
    In most jurisdictions, being an accessory to murder is a felony offense.

    The man who owns the vehicle SHOULD be held! He’s free to clean up the evidence and flee the country, since he’s not Antiguan.

  16. How is it that HE didn’t know what happened with HIS vehicle? She drove HIS car, picked up Chantel and allegedly dropped her home after KFC. Why didn’t HE come forward when the news broke that Chantel was missing? HE knew HIS car was involved. HE harbored a criminal in HIS home. HE was part of the cover-up. HE is therefore an accessory to the crime.

  17. The ignorance and stupidity of most of these comments is mind boggling. Obviously the recent disclosure by the World Bank that the educational system is failing is so true. First of all this is an ongoing investigation. How do you expect the police to share with the public, where they are, what they have found and the direction of where they go next. We live in a civilised world with laws. This is not the wild, wild west. Legal procedures have to be followed. Or the case will be thrown out when it reaches the Privy Council. At the highest court the Judges do not determine guilt and innocence but rather were the laws followed in the investigative and judicial procedures. The innocent and the guilty are legally entitled to a lawyer. Regardless of what we feel everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And continue writing all this crap on social media. It will assist her lawyer to obtain a mis-trial and then come back here and cry and curse. As someone wrote yesterday, in 2 weeks we will be back to our normal, don’t care about nobody nor anything life style living our sinful lives.

  18. Whoever is really and truthfully behind this should rot from the inside out.

    It’s a shame this case will never fully be SOLVED and there will be no justice from this just like others.

    Also sad that we have a nation of duncebats gunning for this woman who is clearly the face of the crime, rather than people asking the critical and necessary questions.

  19. No lawyer should represent her. As a matter of fact she should be given a taste of her own medicine. Torture her, pluck out her eyes, dig out her ears, pull out her tongue then start pulling out her nails one by one until she give out pertinent information. After hang her by her back side until a drop of blood will not run through her veins. This 9yrs old angel deserves justice.

  20. This is so sad and unbelievable. Antigua is getting worse and worse everyday and I don’t think the prime minister is being serious about these kind of madness.

    This is a tourism country where people enjoy the whole nation, now it’s scary, children are not even safe anymore.

    Do something about this Gaston Browne
    Your unbelievable.

    I am canceling my ticket for carnival, I am scared of my life alone with my kids life.

    Wow just wow

  21. So she wants legal representation…ok no problem. All I saying to who ever might be representing her even if no one does is to be careful u don’t scar ur name for representing such ferocious creature.

    Whether or not it’s an individual rights to seek legal representation I think she should be denied given the nature of the act.

    Seriously ….. what story u going cook up to ur lawyer should u be granted one and I know for sure in hell u can’t scream INSANITY or somebody held a gun to ur head…….PLEASE…

  22. YES …tap u bakside dey a canada or go to jamaica…stay in your cushy canadian province and dwell in your sanctuary of no crime or violence…

    we will survive and THIS too SHALL PASS!


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