Updates on Andre
16 th July 2022
Thank you all for your support.
– Andre arrived to Texas with a pressure ulcer/wound (on posterior region) and this is interfering with the treatment programme.
After assessment, it was classified as a stage 3 wound and an X-ray was carried out to see if the infection reached the bone (it did not). This interference has led the doctors to discuss the possibility of a temporary transfer to a specialized (LTAC facility) to deal with the wound and infections. This challenge could mean additional delays and expenses with a second medical facility.

– Andre is now using a specialized bed (air fluidized therapy) to help the wound heal fast and minimize the need for turning
– He is increasingly breathing better through his nose. This is good. It is one step closer to removing his trach
– His vitals are great
– his physical appearance is returning to normal and the little bruises around his body are healing
– He was initially on an anti- seizure medication and they plan to wean him off of this since he is not demonstrating any seizures and that drug can make him feel cloudy/drowsy
– He is taking his food really well so he will hopefully but back on his weight soon.
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Very encouraging update. Continued healing to a great recovery. Blessings
Our hospital is killing people. The compression sores are almost must as long as you have to stay in bed for any prolong period. This is causing death of many of our family members people. Maulwin Joseph for this reason I will definitely take away your “ SIR”. You don’t deserve it while looking over an institution like this. All you wicked nurses that looking raise of pay and overtime pay , you know about what you have been doing to our people with these bed sores. Sometimes to the point of GANGRENE. If you were in the USA you would have lost your license. To you doctors you discharge patients, you have people family rotten from bed sores and say absolutely nothing about it to love ones. In most cases family members find out when it too late.
I experience a friend that was hospitalized and was transferred over seas. They had to operate first on the bed sores. They reached right to the back bone and tail bone. Dry shit I the sores.
This delayed his operation for Two long months. He died and mark you I totally believed it was because of these sores and the delay of the operation. Just do a radio show on that and you would hear an out cry .
If you get upset with how they treat your family member and talk out against it. Can you imagine a nurse of doctor will say to you that you a make it worse for your family of friend. Maulwin you do not deserve any Sir. Because of this very issue. .
Wow! This is extremely painful and I am so pleased someone could come on here and talk about it, unbearable what some of these families have to go through and hardly anyone wants to say anything about these things but this was anonymous and no patients name were called and I applaud for that and bringing out here in the open. This is why some of these things never change because go about their day and say nothing until it happens to them and hits home. What a shame this is, I am sick to my stomach hearing this. I can imagine what else goes on and not a word about it, because it is not gossip or salacious comments. My God!
My grandmother passed away and the hospital because of those same sores. She had them until you could see her bone! My brother in law also suffered the same fate, young man cut down in his prime because of the neglect at the hospital.
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