Ambassador Murdoch takes up major appointment in Geneva


Colin Murdoch, one of Antigua and Barbuda’s longest-serving ambassadors, has been transferred from his position as senior advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister to become the OECS ambassador and permanent representative to the UN World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva with effect from 1st November 2021.

Ambassador Murdoch, who was first appointed as ambassador in 1997, has served in various positions in government including permanent secretary in the ministry of foreign affairs, permanent secretary in the ministry of trade, ambassador to Cuba, as well as OECS Commissioner.

The OECS mission in Geneva is staffed by nationals from various OECS member states. The OECS maintains missions in Brussels, Morocco and Geneva.

As head of the OECS mission in Geneva, Ambassador Murdoch will be responsible for coordinating the OECS position on various international trade issues and to lead negotiations with other WTO delegations, especially for the upcoming MC12, the WTO trade ministerial which opens at the end of November in Geneva.

“There is no doubt that this is a challenging assignment,” Ambassador Murdoch said, “and there is a lot going on at the WTO right now that OECS countries need to pay attention to. Ultimately it is the WTO that determines what things cost in the supermarket and therefore we need to make them
listen to us.”

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  1. Also formerly (before this new appointment) chairman of the CIP Board. All the best Sir, continue to do A&B proud

  2. First appointed in 1997. Under a Labour Party Government. He was able to stay on under a UPP administration and continued under a Gaston Browne administration. This tells you a lot about the man. One thing that will have put a bad spot on his carrier was when he was instructed by Lovell to meet a Jamaican at the airport and brig him through VIP. It turned out the Jamaican was also bringing in drugs and was caught by our alerted custom officers. Some believe he was set up by Harold. The case went silent.
    But I wish to congratulate this very prominent son of the soil. Wishing all the best in your future endeavors. Also wish your son one day takes after you.

    • @ From Sideline
      Shows the difference between ALP and UPP. The UPP was a government for all the people. Labour did not keep anyone in a big job who was not a labour supporter when they took over government, no matter how competent. They picked their own incompetent supporters.
      No wonder a lot of UPP supporters were mad with them because they kept all the labour people in the big jobs, saying they were Antiguans. Their supporters got nothing under UPP and labour always look out for their own. When UPP takes over the government, they have a lot of people to get rid of. The same people can’t continue to feed at the trough.

  3. Puppa labour rite and son must be labour rite. No one else get big jobs in Antigua. Antigua is owned by the labour rites. Need a change in government so the pie will be shared among all Antiguans.

    • Lovell’s sister was appointed as ambassador under upp sunshine govt a bun up ppl party. Not to mention Joan “Coward” Underwood who jumped ship and took a new gig right b4 she swore up and down that she was going to beat Max Fernandez.

  4. Look at us trying to play with da big dogs. How much you all think this cost us? We got babies hungry and people begging but spending millions to send this man to live the high life in the nearly most expensive city in Europe. Oh, I know what happening! Dem Chinese gonna pay for it all. Just give dem a little more land in A&B. Wake up! We dyin as a country while dem big dogs play!

    • Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “My People, we are y this night. But freedom cannot without responsibility. The full burden of our freedom now rests squarely upon our shoulders. What we do with that freedom is our responsibility, we can blame no other.” VC Bird, Independence Day Speech!

      Success and All The Best to Ambassador Colin Murdoch, one of Antigua and Barbuda’s Well Rounded and True Champions!

      To the Nattering Nabobs of Negavity this position represents the OECS Collective! A most wonderful and welcome collaborative!

      “Whenever a person delineates a cultural boundary around a particular cultural space in human time, this is called MARKING. … We must be prepared to act upon our interpretation of what is in the best interest of Black people as an historically oppressed population. This is the fundamental necessity for advancing the political process.” – Dr Molefi Asante, Afrocentricity, The Theory of Social Change!

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