A man described as an intruder was shot last night in Jolly Hill, Bolans, according to media reports.
The man was reportedly trying to enter a dwelling
He was allegedly seen in the area the night before, giving rise to suspicion among villagers.
His condition is not known. Police are said to be investigating the matter.
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He lives in bolans! Wat type of foolery of journalism is this?
Not to mention this ex cop shot and killed and alleged intruder some years ago and it was a false statement!
I want to commend this retired-officer for saving the life of the young lady who was in the house, alone. I wish more officers was like him, crime rate would have been so much lower. Thank you hero. Good thing the you lady can corroborate the hero officer and the perp was on her land, she does not know this man and he had his criminal accomplice, this Jay from “Bolans” waiting in a car, hidden, get away driver, to get away after their crime, which base on the deadly weapon he had, it is clear he contemplated murder, with the burglary and other inherently dangerous crimes. I am so happy that the life of this 26 year old young lady, home alone, was saved. Merry Christmas to her.
For this criminal and his accomplice, I hope the full force of the law is laid upon their them.
Good news but better news if he took the room temperature challenge…..stop robbing people ….i hear making a killing in sweets village
How ironic she’s an suspected “intruder” yet nobody in the village heard shots fire, no ambulance nor police!
The young man works and he ain’t no troublemaker nor robberman.
If u think u see someone stealing call authority cause he’s no longer an officer! He too trigger happy!
Why was he on the premises? I spoke to the owner of the house and they do not know him, and why was he at the window? why did he have a weapon? why when asked what you are doing there he said, Me a pee?” why not put your hand and pushing windows up if you are peeing? why leave the street and go all the way in someone’s home by their window at about 10:59pm to pee? do we look like idiots? Not only that, the young inside the house heard both persons and recognize the retired amazing officer?
i wish more officers were like this officer
Well wat they should’ve told you is tht it wasn’t 10:59pm and dude had no weapon! Wat type of weapon did he have? How was tht never disclosed?
This young man lives in bolans and does wash di same 26yr car so she well and knw him!, if a one thing Antigua ppl gullible bad bad!!
You put jay inna get away car? Was he in the car waiting with u? Where u there? Do u even live in the village?
Young promiscuous women never speak truth wen they get caught with ppl their prohibited from for Watever circumstances……..
I was not there but I spoke to the officer, and the owner of the house, and her, her daughter. Both persons say they did not know this man. Not only that, this man attacked the retired officer. Were you there? If so please promptly go to any police precinct and say the things you know. According to you, he was there for a promiscuous woman and sex, since you have witness this sexual encounter at the place and time, please promptly help justice. If you weren’t there, why are you speaking on facts just like you are telling not to speak on facts? I am so confuse, only with your statements. I spoke to the actual parties in this situation, except for the perp, your guy.
Wonderful news. Merry Christmas to you.
The best news ever, kill them all, when it is just to do so. In this case, a young girl was in the house by herself, and do not know this man. I am here trying to not think what he would have done with this young lady home alone had this HERO cop did not see him and Thank God the lady inside heard the voices, two voices and recognized only the voice of the HERO officer who most-likely saved her life.
This perpetrator who was probably about to rape and kill this young lady, even had a waiting get-away car, that witnesses saw him get into. If you are innocent, why punch a man in his face? when this retired officer is yelling for “thief, thief” why telling the retired officer to shut the F-up and then approaching the retired officer and punch him to the ground and using a weapon on the officer?
Looks like the whole country needs a spiritual revival. Enough of this craziness.
Crime is down so everyone should be safe……
Way to go to this retired officer, next time aim to the head so, he will never try to rob again!
99 days for the thief. 1 day fi he get catch. Lol
I hope all of you that giving this ex police man praise hear that he is charged for shooting. This man shoot a an armed man and crippled him and he had to pay the man over $200,0000 Sometimes we must wait until the full story comes out before we talk because I get to understand this incident happened some time after 7:00pm.
I hope all of you that giving this ex police man praise hear that he is charged for shooting. This man shoot a an armed man and crippled him and he had to pay the man over $200,0000 Sometimes we must wait until the full story comes out before we talk because I get to understand this incident happened some time after 7:00pm.
If you’ll don’t know anything why you’ll don’t shut tf up the girl don’t even associate with bolans people. The same guy that want transport him to the hospital always set up people to go in people house you’ll forget few months ago he made 3 young men entered a lady house for box money oh please.
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