The registrations, which were filed with the U.S. Copyright Office, show that Craig Steven Wright, the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto, is now a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda.
This change seems to be recent because, in a previous attempt, Mr. Wright requested the copyrights of Bitcoin and the document states that he is an Australian citizen.
It is not clear what made Wright change his nationality, but he recently filed documents in the US seeking to be recognised as the founder of Bitcoin.
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another one. selling out me country hmmmm
I’m very happy Mr. Wright is our new fellow Antigua citizen. He is a verified billionaire and will add quality to our new citizen pool.
Welcome to Antigua Mr. Wright, proud to have you as our new fellow citizen. Thank you.
ha ha ha he he he joke of the decade
What next!!! When will Trump pick up his passport? Gawd have mercy. Yes, we’ll take your money…all yu can give us…but don’t move here. Stay where ya born.
Your comment is so xenophobic.
Antigua should welcome all new global citizens, especially billionaires that have created great success. I welcome Mr. Wright as our new fellow citizen, I welcome him with open arms 1000%.
Make certain you get the Machine Readable one.
Why do all of these controversial people always end up with Antigua passports? Why not St. Lucia or Grenada or St. Kitts? Why do ALL of the controversial people get Antigua citizenship and passports?
What is controversial about being a verified billionaire? Antigua should be happy that it is attracted successful business people, former political people, and many well educated others.
Frankly, Antigua is such a small island and country, that if it wasn’t for the CIP program, we’d be falling down as a nation. I am pro-immigrant and if we can attract cool people to immigrate to Antigua, then that’s awesome!
Thank you PM Browne for pushing forward with the CIP program. Smart and educated Antigua’s welcome our new fellow citizens.
“I am pro-immigrant and if we can attract cool people to immigrate to Antigua”
Generally they don’t immigrate here fully, per sey.
But I do support it. Antigua just need to vet them properly to make sure the are not criminals. We have a beautiful country and if a billionaire want to rut from the tax may and pay us some of what he don’t want to pay there then we open our arms.
got to be a bald head foreigner talking here
So you think the UPP did a great thing bringing in the CIP?
What makes you think they don’t? You read the papers in those islands?
Why is he controversial? Bitcoin is the future of money.
Bitcoin is NOT considered as something desirable by most people “in the know”, and is highly controversial. It’s not as simple as you might think, and certainly NOT the future. Do your research my friend!
I wonder who sent out the invite?. Another creme de la creme?..or just cream in ya crack?.
We are attracting ” flies” just like putrid carcasses! We stink to the hell and back!
Stop being anti-immigrant and stop being xenophobic. Thanks.
I think the writer is concerned about what type of immigrants we may be attracting???
Watch out.. Another Stanford on the horizon..
Please do not defame this guy, he has done nothing wrong. And please stop being xenophobic.
He seems like a successful and smart businessman. I’m proud that he is now our fellow Antigua citizen. Hopefully he’ll make more global connections for our country.
Frankly, he is definitely more successful and valuable to Antigua than the other commenters here. The Antiguans who are anti-CIP tend to be poor and not very well educated.
Antigua is competing in a globalized world and we need to invite wealthy and smart people to immigrate to our small island as our new citizens. I’m glad PM Browne is advocating this.
The Antigua CIP program provides us a way to increase immigration by high quality people that have a desire to contribute to our nation either here, or abroad.
Our history with billionaires is poor. Allen Stanford, Mehul Choksi, Dato Tan Kay Hock, the Colombian Billionaire who only a month ago had his Antigua passport revoked due to a criminal arrest warrant being issued for him, etc. Why would a billionaire need Antigua citizenship? Something is amiss once again.
Colombian billionaire? How about we look at many millionaires who live at places like Mill Reef Club? Of course there will be some bad apples (not sure why you have included Data Tan), but they clearly don’t spoil the whole bunch
The USA grants millions of new citizenship applications every year. Are you saying that every new USA citizen has absolutely no past flaws and makes no mistakes in the future? Give me a break…
It’s interesting that a self-identified KingRASTA would be interested in attracting billionaires, since Rastas do not believe in the accumulation of riches in this life. Hmmm? Makes one wonder, doesn’t it!
Kingrasta, realrasta or whatever you call yourself, did you just wake up from a deep sleep? The only “high quality people “ who buy our passports are thieves and crooks looking for a place to hide out.
Are you wishing for more immigrants like you to take over our country?
Alexander Cases, vetted properly until…….
Mehul Choksi was vetted properly until……
The recent diplomatic passport revocation…..
Peter Virdee, how is he doing these days????
-The latter Virdee is doing quite well. The German case against him has been dropped. There was a recent Asian article about him where he was labelled a man of the people (see Peter Virdee: The property tycoon on a mission to give something back, April 10, 2019, .asianwealthmag)
-Choksi after leaving India spent months in the US. Just pointing out to you he had no problem getting a US visa which means they too saw no issue with him.
-Alexander Cazes was a Canadian citizen who law enforcement authorities cleared during the due diligence process
Please stop the drama about ‘vetting’ our CIP immigrants. Do you think every single person that is granted USA citizenship are perfect little angels either in the past, or the future? Of course there will be some new citizens that might be a little edgy or mixed in the way they approach life.
However, that does not give us the right to be anti-immigrant. The Antigua CIP program is a pro-immigration program and many CIP citizens do live in Antigua and create new lives here as productive citizens.
I’m very proud that Antigua has the ability to attract global billionaires and other successful and interesting people to join our citizen ranks. And I’m proud to call them our fellow citizens, even if they make mistakes like all human beings do from time to time.
Are you sure you are a KingRASTA? Your philosophy is totally contrary to the RASTA faith and belief. What is this?
the fact that he chose Antigua says he is a scamp because this admin seem to be a magnet for scamps and dubious characters.
Craig is not Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto went to great lengths to hide his true identity since he created Bitcoin in 2009. Nakamoto is worth about 7.5 billion US dollars in bitcoins and has nothing to gain by revealing his identity.
My question though is who did the due diligence on this guy, he has so many lawsuits and brushes with the law in Australia it’s hard to keep up. The CIP unit needs to get their act together and stop exposing selling our passports to crooks.
well said. thank you
Remember, he is the “alleged” founder of Bitcoin. Nuttin’ tal go so!!!!
king bald head Rasta no more jokes we had enough. you ever think of being a stand up comedian you f ing joker
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