Janitorial workers at the VC Bird International Airport have written to the Civil Aviation Minister and the airport Chief Executive Officer requesting a meeting over the conduct of their superiors.
In the letter dated August 9, 2017, and seen by Antigua News Room, the line staff points out that their issues date back to several months.
“Complaints have been made to our superiors and no resolution have been forth coming,” the mainly female janitorial staff wrote.
Chief among their concerns are poor communication among supervisors and staff and the mistreatment of staff.
They argue that one supervisor, in particular, has threatened them and shows “constant disrespect.”
They are also concerned about the inadequate amount of supplies and tools for the job, lack of seating, toiletries and other items in the staff room.
The letter is supported by over 25 members of staff.
Up until the time of this publication they did not receive a response indicating if and when the meeting will be granted.
Airport CEO Stanley Smith did not respond to our questions in time for this publication.
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Superiors??? As in plural?? Wow! It’s challenging enough that you have to work hard and help to keep the airport looking pristine. Your job is no less important than the CEO for that matter. Having to spend x hours per day in a shifty work environment is no fun. I hope the high and mighty will (finally) give you the time of day and swiftly address your concerns. Not Meer bullshit lip service rhetoric. You are too important to this nation not to be taken seriously.
When a business or organization superiors have no managerial skills you cannot expect better. Most businesses and organizations here in Antigua lack managerial and customer service skills, They talk and act in a way that is not professional, it it up to us as a people to do not accept these types of behavior. Just take a look at how they behave in parliament, shameful.
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