Air Peace to Secure Controlling Stake in LIAT, Finalizing Collaboration by Mid-November


LIAT, the Caribbean airline, is on track to enhance its services by November through a partnership with Nigeria’s Air Peace.

Despite receiving regional financial support, the government is committed to keeping LIAT operational.

Lionel Hurst, Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s office, confirmed the deal’s progress, with Air Peace acquiring a controlling stake in LIAT by mid-November.

Additional aircraft are also expected to arrive, increasing LIAT’s capacity for Caribbean travelers.

This aligns with Air Peace’s strategy to expand its fleet, having recently ordered five Embraer aircraft, optimizing operations and aligning flight capacity with passenger demand.







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  1. This pending tie up between Air Peace and LIAT is the usual eyewash, few relevant details.
    First, LIAT 1974 is in bankruptcy, then there was or is LIAT 2020. It has never been clear which corporate entity is being acquired. LIAT1974 vs LIAT2020
    Where does this newly announced pending transaction leave the Pilots and other LIAT employees?
    Is Air Peace making them whole? Or are they being left holding the bag?
    Unlike in the past, no mention of the percentage ownership of LIAT that is being acquired.
    Is it if any importance to know Air Peace have recently ordered five Embraer aircraft, when other crucial information and details are being left out.
    The fact that the agreement is not finalized does not release or relieve from providing information about what is going on.
    That why this is among other reasons why this announcement an eyewash. There is nothing to say that these aircrafts are to be added to the squired airline fleet.
    I’m going to guess Air Peace will be acquiring upwards of 75 % of the entity known as LIAT.
    The new owner will keep the brand name LIAT but out his stamp in the organization. Should this happen, we can expect to see LIAT operating like Caribbean Sun Airlines.
    There will not be any longer free trips for political passengers; unless of course it’s negotiated into the deal. Air Peace has the capacity to do the deal; but wait for the surprises folks. The details will never see the light of day; unless some intrepid civil servant finds away to make it public

  2. The article reminds me of the recent show put on by the men in the police show. The mother continent is certainly coming into her own and A&B residents are being reminded of its connection. With controlling interest in Liat 2020, wishing the stake holders much success, especially since our region needs this to work.

    • @ tenman. wishing and hoping i don’t care who’s in control of liat so long it’s base in Antigua wouldn’t be flying that brand again till I’m repaid my money.

  3. This Show put out and on, by the Ruling Arm, of the Government, the ABLP may impress some but to those who have being advocating for deeper connections to their ancestral homeland ALKEBULAN, now known, as Africa it’s great but fall short, way short of what actually MUST be done to make these new ventures worth the efforts CULTURALLY, SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY and of course FINANCIALLY(as is the hope with the Air Peace/LIAT 2020 merger).

    As for some background information, FREED AFRICANS(MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY) have made these connections and is still making them over a hundred plus years…


    A…LIBERIA is a Country in West Africa founded on West Saratoga Street, Baltimore City, USA in 1821, by the American Colonization Society(ACS), as a COLONY OF FREED SLAVES who desired to return to Africa.

    B…PROPHET MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY! Say no more, just do the reasesrch, starting with UNIA-ACL. The UNITED NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION.

    C…SHASHAMANE – A Town established in Southern Ethiopia of the Oromia Region through a LAND GRANT given to The ETHIOPIAN WORLD FEDERATION under the auspices, of the PIPERS from MONSTERRAT, by SAINT EMPEROR KING HAILE SELASSIE I.

    D…Ghana has settlements of FREED SLAVES from the DIASPORA doing great in business.

    E…the creme de La creme – FIDEL CASTRO’s CUBA have being supporting MILITARY EXERCISES in AFRICA for decades to help AFRICAN NATIONS defeat and defend many African Nations from the continued pillaging and rape of the Continent by foreign interests to include the Americans and of course, the EUROPEANS.

    Therefore, BUSINESS VENTURES such, as this VENTURE, the acquisition of the majority of shares in LIAT 2020 is not a new phenomenon, or Earth shattering BILLION $$$$ deal, to lift the entire Nation out of poverty.
    At best, it’s a Political Smoke Screen to cover the PPP – Piss Poor Planjing and the PPM – Piss Poor Management, of a vital service in the modern day travel industry!

    If connections with the ALKEBULAN/AFRICAN CONTINENT and its People are gonna reap meaningful benefits to all, and not just a chosen few then…


    Nuff said…

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

    • Agreed.we need better connection to Africa .more action is needed to freely move the diaspora …accross .long live marcus Garvey ,traore.all panafrican coup leaders.of west Africa.

  4. Any new items or press releases dealing with a LIAT entity need to be precise.
    LIAT went bankrupt in 1973 (10 cent on the dollar payment to creditors if I recall.
    Will check my records when I have a chance)

    LIAT (1974) Ltd is currently in a administration of some sort.
    (Liquidation notice was published before that administration amendment was made )
    So submitted claims at that point predate that law .Could get interesting .
    Big Question who is responsible for severance for the staff kept on when the Administrator
    took control and retained the said staff . ? You Mr Administrator Sir ?
    This is gong to be another interesting one for the “quick fixers” to deal with .

    LIAT 2020 . Has a company with that name actually been incorporated ?

  5. @tenman
    Please tell why did my comment “smatch”you corn. I’m only here to take the temperature of the community.
    First you have an issue with the length of my comment. Then you think I’d be better informed by Google on this issue. I’m not if the Google and facebook groups. I’m informed by my reading of books and literary sources.
    You have just exposed yourself as an ABLP operative, given you are taking issue with the simple observations I’ve made.
    Clearly you are not one that thinks for yourself but is doing the Government or the ABLP bidding.
    It’s unfortunate that with a Texan degree you have not raised yourself beyond the crumbs under the table way of life.
    That “crumbs under the table” political philosophy by which you abide can only see jobs; even when the few jobs many of them menial results in keeping the masses in poverty.
    There is a difference between human dignity and deprivation characterized as work.
    My question to you…Is your only way of expressing yourself; false equivalent with reminders?


      Sure, it was not ‘….Ground into ‘…Corn Meal?’

      If it’s the toe, then that could be the overgrowth called ‘…Bunion.’

      If the heel of the foot, then ‘Spare’ it off.

      Be careful how you ‘…Sparing Heels,’ though.

      Keep the ‘…Corn Foot’ out the way.

      Well, my esteemed friend, ‘Ten,’ that means some ‘Corn’ might be sent to ‘Africa.’

      After refining, some will be sent back to ‘…Antigua and Barbuda’ to make ‘…Corn Meal Pap.’

      Blessed Monday.


      • @Pompey – Not sure if its a play on my real name (Corn..) but man enjoy your day. Hopefully that corn will materialize into the billions for A&B and the region Really want to see how your former troops will outdo that show next year

    • @Winston: The masters is yes from Texas but the undergrad is from NJ. Following my grand dad’s advice, education has helped ensure I live a life where I don’t need to be dependent on handouts. There is also no business’ place with my name and pic up advising persons not to do biz with me. Thanks for confirming my suspicion that your writeup was simply about sharing your gripes and not about getting answers. Buy gripe-water

  6. You see this is what many of you are not’s not that there ain’t a few good ideas out there pertaining to the revitalization of liat 2020, because we do need a functional reliable regional airline that serves the good citizens of the Caribbean, that’s not the problem, it’s the stewardship of these ideas, that the serious problem that many of us are concerned with, the corrupt people that will eventually oversee the finance’s of these ideas.

    So it’s not that these ideas can’t work, it’s the corrupt owner of Air Peace and the corrupt leader that we have here in Antigua that give a lot of us great pause.

    So yes we are concerned about the impending failure of these ideas because of who’s behind them.

    If many of you are honest, please look at the track record of those who are giving fuel to these ideas, please look and judge for yourself why good hearted concerned citizens like myself have serious concerns.

    Just Saying!!!

  7. @tenman
    You are living a life that’s dependent on your political preferences. What benefits you get out of your political loyalty is a form of handout.
    Let’s be clear having an advance degree in Antigua and Barbuda does not absolve you from being a Nepo Baby.
    Interestingly you did not say you worked hard for every penny and never took and favours or political handouts.
    In fact, most of the degree holders are Nepo Babies, who returns to become beneficiaries of a political system of handout and political favours.
    Very little is achieved on merit. Nepotism is like capital in the bank in Antigua and Barbuda.

  8. @tennan (The Projectionist)
    You consistently and consciously
    attributes your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors as a defense mechanism.
    Freud first attributed projecting
    Projecting to the fear of confronting one’s own shame.
    You are the party doing the griping.
    You are seemingly having bad day for you write:
    “There is also no business’ place with my name and pic up advising persons not to do biz with me.” So where is that statement coming from? You seem to be pulling for straws.
    Then you introduce “Grip” as a pitiful defense mechanism
    Your game is continue to displace your feelings onto another persons, when you have no answers, and you do so consciously.
    Stop projecting and deal with your undesirable emotions.
    I have no dog in this fight other than to bring a level of consciousness to my people.

  9. Is there any such company as liat 2020?the pm cannot speak a company into being.
    This is the usual wishing and hoping to fool the selfish willfully stupid hangers on of the ablp.

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