AI In Sports – What Is Happening?


Right now, we are seeing an explosion of different industries using AI in their day-to-day operations. You will already used to seeing it online when you shop on Amazon and get recommendations on other products, or use any kind of help system as it works to get you the correct help you need.

What you may not have expected is that AI is becoming more commonplace within sports. Here are just some of the ways where AI is becoming a useful tool in the industry, and what that means for those in it.

Creating Player Performance Models

Many teams are now harnessing the power of AI to help them create player performance models, and get the most out of every player they have. AI technology can take in a huge amount of data on each player, including past performance, injuries, and much more besides. With that data, managers are able to properly implement player rotation, as well as keep an eye on performance in general.

Those models are also able to predict future outcomes, something that is highly useful in the world of sports. For example, models will be able to show you the likelihood of a player sustaining an injury in the near future. With that data, steps can be taken to reduce that risk and keep the player on the field for longer.

Improving Fan Experience

It’s not just the players who are able to benefit from AI, but the fans too. There are lots of sports teams around the world who are using AI to improve the experience they have watching their teams compete. For example, teams like the Golden State Warriors are creating AI driven VR experiences for their fans. The Los Angeles Dodgers are also using AI to help their fans navigate their stadiums on game days too.

There are lots of other ways that the technology can be used as well. AI can be used to monitor social media, so teams can understand fans’ responses to the team. That way, they can identify negative buzz quickly and address it.

It’s also useful for creating personalized content for fans. This allows them to experience games in the way that they like best, increasing engagement overall.

You will even see AI being used in sports betting online. With AI being able to process large amounts of data, such as a team’s past performance, it can help bookies create more accurate and exciting bets. Sites like BetIreland have shown that there are hundreds of bookmakers that create “custom bets” using AI to match the user’s sports history/interests with upcoming events, creating exciting betting opportunities.

Assisting With sports Advertising

Sports are an industry just like all other industries out there, and so needs to harness the power of advertising. You will see a lot of teams using AI in order to improve their advertising and reach out to those who love the sport.

For example, if you are watching a game AI will be able to pick out the best adverts to show viewers. That way, you will be served adverts that are more relevant to you and your lifestyle. It even can pick the best time to show an advert during a game, to ensure that you are not going to miss a thing.

Creating Unique Training Programs

On a related note, AI can also be used to create personalised training programs for each player in a team. Again, because they are using data from past performance, algorithms are able to predict what kind of training a player needs in order to meet their full potential.

For example, they can increase performance in a player as the program meets their specific needs. It will also help reduce injury risk, or improve recovery times.

Improving Sports Journalism

You will also see AI being used in sports journalism now. Thanks to AI, there is less reliant on human presence during games, as raw data can be collected with great accuracy. Journalists are then able to use this data to accurately report on games, and keep fans informed.

This is just a small snapshot of how AI is changing the sports industry landscape. There are several ways in which it can improve sports, and the experience of watching them. AI tech is evolving all the time, and so the industry can really take advantage of what it can offer.

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  1. Why does it feel as though we are looking for problems for AI to solve instead of spending time and resources solving real problems that matter more? These sports problems could have been solved by regular old fashioned programming by a human at anytime in the past. The only difference now is that you can just “tell” AI to do it so it takes less effort and doesn’t require hiring another person to assist. But, is it a good idea to divert limited resources to optimise processes that are not that critical while important basic problems are left unattended in society? Yes, AI could do this and that but shouldn’t we prioritise what gets done in the world? Do we have to jump on the AI bandwagon for everything? Is it really wise?

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