Letter send to ANR from ABS Staff member:
We are pleased to advise that we have received overtime payment cheques from submissions which we made last year.
These include outstanding payments for overtime amounts which we identified that were not previously submitted and overtime up to Whitsun 2021.
We will advise those persons for whom there are cheques individually.
Kindly note that cheques will not be given to third parties and a valid photo ID must be presented in order to collect the cheque.
The Dark Side of ABS Television Radio Exposed – Part 1
Dear Editor,
It’s sad to hear about the most recent news reports coming out of ABS Television/Radio. We thank Antigua Newsroom for giving all Antiguans and Barbudans and opportunity to be heard on its popular platform.
No one at ABS should feel that they untouchable and above reproach from the PS and Minister in charge of the ministry.
I have kept quiet about everything that I’ve personally experienced and what I’ve seen other employees go through but after finding out one of my media colleagues could have had a mental breakdown, I was moved to finally start penning the other side of the story, the horror story.
There are stories and harrowing experiences that the public don’t hear about unless they are a close friend or family of an, ABS employee, and that is sad.
Absolutely sad how the spirit of so many employees may NEVER be able to recover from the emotionally and psychological abuse.
Can we blame one person though?
The answer is simple and in short “NO”.
The type of behavior being dished out to employees has been enabled by and supported by the Minister, PS and even the management team who dare not go against this individual’s way of doing things and handling business.
This only empowers the individual to continue doing the things they do with no regard for human life and livelihoods.
The management team will victimize and belittle employees who work tirelessly to ensure that you the public wake up to the TV channel being on air!
We turn on our TVs nightly and we have a news broadcast to watch – all on the backs of the same employees who are abused, misused and mistreated.
United We Stand! Divided We Fall! Employees at state owned ABS take one step forward and ten steps backward. For years ABS employees have been fighting for their basic workers’ rights, issues that should be on the fore-front and of immediate focus of management to keep employees contented, happy and fulfilled.
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Thank God there is something call – “ELECTION”
I was wondering what happened to the magic ELECTION money 💰 tree 🌳 in recent times … NOW I KNOW, IT JUST NEEDED MORE BS FROM THE ABLP TO MAKE IT SPREAD!
please call the election …
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