ABS caught in blatant attempt to erase MP Kelvin Simon from history


MP KELVIN SIMON SAID: ABS, many people saw your immature post before you deleted it.

And as you can see, they were not in favor of the level of unprofessionalism and disrespect displayed by our lone state media, that should be non-partisan in its discourse.

It is unacceptable and reprehensible for you to include the names of everyone in the picture, except the MP for the area. The people of St. Mary’s South deserve an apology.

Whether you like it or not, I am the MP for St. Mary’s South. I was elected, just like every other Member of Parliament (including Members on both the governing and opposition side).

Even the Developer (Ambassador Calvin Ayre) respects that. Your immaturity caused persons on the thread to totally be distracted from the real purpose of being there; to usher in a new development that will be beneficial for the country. This was a significant moment for Antigua and Barbuda!

I take this opportunity to thank the developers: Ambassador Calvin Ayre and the Ayre Group for it’s vision, and CEO of Nikki Beach, Ms. Lucia Penrod and her team, for choosing Antigua and Barbuda as the perfect destination, to add to their distinctive Brand.


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  1. Everybody knows that ABS has always been the ABLP’S mouthpiece; and who can forget those intriguing pictures of Gaston Browne with an ABS microphone 🎤 in hand, acting like one of their own reporters.

    Also, who can remember in the run-up at the last General Election, the UPP candidates were totally ignored by this partisan broadcasting service.

    Maybe we should rename them Ablp Broadcasting Servants.

  2. Indeed this was in very poor taste. Let us all do better in efforts that unify us and not divide us. When we have the two sides of the political divide come together for the good of the people, let us ensure we promote it with pride.


  3. MP Simon your name should definitely have been included. You are an official.

    However one wonders if this was not an honest mistake.

    The UPP says there are no investments under ALP even though we have had the Royalton, Royalton Chic, expansions and refurbishments of major brands, some smaller Antiguan ventures, all the action in Barbuda etc. Now you, a member of the party that says no investments are taking place, participated in the groundbreaking of a new $400 million project.

    It would only make sense for the state controlled media to note your presence and awareness that this investment is also on the move.

  4. Shuggy the head is a witch, a political appointee. Sadly their action mirrors how they got there ij the first place. Maybe you would have been in that person’s good book if you had offered some debt relief.

  5. 400 mil USD? That’s over 1 BILLION EC!
    The new Marriot a come soon
    Powerhouse really a powerup ya check!
    Country a run pan clean
    a how people say GB nah perform?


    Leave ‘ABS’ alone, ‘…SHUGGY.’

    You may just have made yourself: ‘…A COCKROACH IN A FOWL HOUSE.’


    This picture supposedly depicting:

    (i) ‘…A GROUNDBREAKING’ not of ‘REALITY:’ but of



    The picture has featured ‘…5-prominent Antiguan citizens.’

    They are standing and wearing:

    (a) ‘…White construction helmets:

    (b) …Casuals:

    (c) …Beach-like: and

    (d) …Office apparel.’

    All are seen holding:

    (i) …Five blue-tied ‘…Gold-plated and dust speckless shovels,’ complimenting the skyline:
    (ii) …A carefully laid grave-like heap of black soil, to mark the occasion.’


    As no grave was actually dug and covered, there was no need to say: ‘…Dust to Dust: …Ashes to Ashes.’

    Thus, it could easily be said: ‘…Construct in Peace.’


    Whether or not ‘…CHARMED BY A SHOVEL,’ or under the ‘…PM’S RADAR,’ clearly, ‘…SHUGGY’ looks more like the darn ‘…CONTRACTOR.’

  7. You the people allow ABS to operate that way.ABS,is owned by by the people.It is your taxes that keep that station opened and the employees employed.As such, you should not stand on the sidelines and allow the station to be taken over by any Political Party.Get rid of the damn management,soonest.

  8. @Brixtonian October 17, 2024 At 2:42 pm
    Brix what is it you do not understand. ABS is the government media house. Not the ABLP media house. It so happen to be that the ABLP is in government. When the UPP was the government they were in charge of ABS and Dr. Mansoor certainly had his authority and presence felt. He even fired Shawn Nicholas that time. That is why I always found it strange that she turned to the very same party that fired her from the job. I actually find that he should be more often on the Nation Station. After all he is our Prime Minister whether you like it or not. But instead he goes on his own built radio station Pointe FM every Saturday to talk to the people of this country. And ABS will have any news secondhand from Pointe FM. That to me is not right. The country’s business should first be aired on ABS not second. When I used to work in Barbados when Owen Arthur was in power their was a dedicated TV team that followed him at every function he went. And it would be played on TV that night for sure. ABS staff would have to be told and forced to do that. And even when they do their production leaves much to be desired.


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