Residents in the constituency of All Saints East and St Luke are encouraged to welcome the improvements as campaigning kicks off, but they are also being asked to remember who is the catalyst for recent activities and pledges in the area.
Neil Cochrane, an Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party hopeful, was responsible for the installation of lights at the Sir Curtly Ambrose Sports Complex in Swetes along with new backboards and rims back on Monday 17th August 2020. This comes after a decade without lights and years’ long lamentations of the youth. Cochrane said phase two was to resurface the court. He was, however, informed by the relevant authorities that due to subsequent, multiple requests from others vying to represent the area, PWD will undertake the work themselves.
On Saturday, the MP for the area Jamal Pringle prompted, if not jolted, by Cochrane’s promise and ability to deliver, finally journeyed to the McPond court to make an attempt at cleaning the facility.
Cochrane finds the jostling for one-upmanship interesting.
“The MP’s sudden acknowledgment of the needs of the people and sudden ability to deliver speaks volumes about his poor stewardship,” Cochrane said. “This goes deeper than Pringle’s own disregard and inability, as the seat has been a UPP stronghold for 26 years, since 1994. This timespan includes a decade of a UPP administration, so there are no excuses.”
Cochrane encourage the constituents to be candid about their needs, adding that they should use the opportunity of the attention of several people to rally for things that will uplift the community.
“Although I offer myself as a candidate, I can look at the greater good—if others want to jump on the bandwagon of what I’ve started—in the peoples’ interest. I am prepared to be that leader, the kick-starter. Their actions alone, in trailing me when the job was theirs for some time, is indicative of who is the real leader amongst us.”
Cochrane, who has held candid and positive talks across the length and breadth of the constituency, said he would continue to deliver for the people according to what they have requested. “Let the others collide in my wake to finish what I start. At the end of the day, the people will benefit, and it will rebound to my energy and ability.”
“My attention reaches beyond sports and into the livelihood and overall wellbeing of the community. My team and I have been welcomed by the residents, and we will continue to interact, listen and build, or build back, as the case may be,” Cochrane added.
“As I’ve said before, I am neither rejected nor elected; I am committed, and I have a track record of leadership and positive performance. I am doing the work and heading towards comprehensive and proper representation for the people of All Saints East and St. Luke. Those who want to cog who have had the chance either as representative or caretaker are suddenly falling over themselves running behind me while my focus is on the people,” the political hopeful said.
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The needs of the people is supposed to be served by the government of the day. You bring absolutely nothing to the table. Light and backboard? Heaven knows where the funds came from.
Meanwhile, Colin James has been involved in the development of the human resources of the constituency for decades. What have you done? You’re making pledges and promises like all who have come before fool the people, get their fill and leave us the same way they met us. We the people of All Saints East and St Lukes are looking right through you. “Opportunist”
I was reading and saying the same thing here
So that’s what it takes for PRINGLE to be seen and to do some work in his constituency??? Wow! Mr. MASKses is the typical politician. Only see them when campaign time comes around.
The 4 recently bereaved families in Swetes did you at least pay them a visit while you’re at it to show them how much you care?
Did you give bread and cheese for the guys on the block too?
The 4 recently bereaved families in Swetes did you at least pay them a visit while you’re at it to show them how much you care?
Did you buy bread and cheese for the guys on the block too?
Aren’t services to any community be provided by the government? Is a representative supposed to ‘give’ his constituents/constituenties?Isn’t at government for the people? What am I reading here? There is no ‘ I ‘ in government. And what makes you better than Mr. Pringle? Why can’t you do what you are doing and don’t seek publicity? Stuuuupppps.
As a rep, your major role is to advocate for constituents. The MP, whether on the government seat or opposition seats, is part of the governance structure. Not sure why this is unknown to you. Here are some others (please pass on to Pringle):
• giving assistance and advice to those in
• acting as a lobbyist for local interest groups
• being a communicator for their party’s
policies and
• playing an active community role
In terms of parliament:
enacting and debating proposed new
• scrutinising the actions of the Government
and government departments as members of
parliamentary committees
• participating in general debates in the
• attending parliamentary party meetings and
• performing other duties within the
parliamentary complex such as Deputy
Speaker roles
…welcome to Antigua, the home of ‘Dolly House’ politics, where china money is free!
See? This is what I hate. Stop looking at what others are doing or not doing. Run your own race and let your results speak for themselves. Stop the do for do and trying to one up the other person. I am tired of seeing this in politics because eventually whoever wins the seat will do nothing after elected until the next election time.
This sounds like an ego trip. What’s with all the bragging anyway? Humble yourself man!
Mr. Cochrane….We welcome your initiative. You are the LEADER that We have been looking for in our Constituency. Pringle is a waste of time. He just like to drive around in His S U V and that is All. He better enjoy the ride because this the last for Pringle. Pringle would never win again in this Constituency. He is the BIGGEST JOKER We have ever elected in ALL SAINTS EAST and ST.LUKE’s We have ever elected.
@ZIMBA:Were you the one I heard crying on a recording some time ago.Saying that you did X,Y and Z for Chet.In return he gave you nothing.Instead he gave work to all others and none for you.Are you back in Chet’s inner circle.Back on the ABLP, Chet Wagon.
Black Man I do not require work from Anyone. I am an Employer. I employed Persons. Black Man You are DAMN FRESH and FORWARD. I live in ALL SAINTS EAST and ST.LUKE’S Constituency and Your Friend Pringle to whom you SUCK up too will never be elected again in our Constituency.
@ZIMBA:Thank you for giving me a friend I never knew I had.I have never met Pringle in all of my life.Yet you say he is my friend.
I wonder where the funds coming from to do such is it ur late fathers money u scandaling for votes?
Hope you running for PM.
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