ABEC encourages more care and security of Voter’s ID Card

Mrs. Elisa Graham ABEC PRO

The Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission is renewing its call for holders of the Electoral Identification Card more commonly known as the Voter’s ID Card to be more mindful and careful with how they handle the document.

This comes as the electoral body reports that the office is in the possession of a number of lost cards as well as several unclaimed cards following the registration of persons across the 17 constituencies.

Public Relations Officer, Elisa Graham, is encouraging members of the public to collect their cards when they are called.

“We are currently working on a list with persons who have outstanding cards which will be published on our website www.abec.gov.ag and our facebook page as well. We do not want a situation where if the Election is called sooner that persons then realize that they do not have their cards and then flock the office or start to panic because of course persons will not be able to vote unless they are able to present their cards upon entering the polling station”, she emphasized.

Graham also urged persons to ensure that they keep their document safe.

“The Voter’s Identification card is a national ID so therefore it is in your best interest to keep it safe with your other documents of national importance like your passport, your driver’s license. It has critical information about you on it as well, so we implore you to keep it safe”, she stressed.

Graham also reminded that there is a $100 fee for persons who wish to replace lost ID cards.

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  1. Since when you have to pay $100 dollar to replace your voter’s ID Card when you lost it and don’t have to pay the same amount for social security card and medical benefit card.

  2. Why would a pay $100 for the least used card whose only major purpose is to vote once every 5 years when a license, that u use everyday, the social security card, that I use to collect benefits and a bank card together cost less than $100. Is better I wait til next election to renew my card. Dem lucky.
    Even Medical Benefits that has a chip isnt that expensive.

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