The Attorney General of Antigua and Barbuda is hoping that the addition of 50 new police recruits will help give the force a much needed man power boost.
Steadroy Cutie Benjamin says the new police recruits are part of a plan to have more visibility in the police force.
He was speaking last week at the rededication of the refurbished Criminal Investigations Department building.
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No matter how much person that are recruited there will never be enough police on the force. Presently there are about 800 police officers. 600 regular police and 200 fire service. 600 police officers to police the nation of Antigua and Barbuda and the attorney general wants more police presence!!! Where is the problem? The force is not managing its recourses properly. To many police have the regular 8 to 4 jobs. Some which are clerical and some which are believed to be privileged at the rank. The 330 mentions inspectors and subordinate officers meaning from Senior Sergeant to constable. From 4 o’clock or earlier every inspector, senior sergeant and sergeant goes home saved for the inspector who’s on call at Police Headquarters, the sergeant at CID if that shift is working or SSU, and the sergeant at the guard desk at St Johns Police Station. This leaves corporals and constables to man the stations at night, sometimes one corporal and two constables or the most four constables working overnight on a 17 hours shift from 5 in the afternoon to 9 in the morning. This time is unwilling to be changed by powers that be because it suits their agenda fine which is going home every night and sleeping off the taxpayers money. Inspectors, senior sergeants and sergeants are police too. Instead of working the clerical shift in the day change the plan. Solution: Get rid of the outstation phenomenon! It’s not working. Instead use these as post. Have an 8 hour shift system in these outpost manned by inspectors, senior sergeants, sergeants, corporals and constables around clock therefore there will be an equal police presence in the day as well as in the night. Get the police out of offices who are doing clerical work and put them on the streets to do what they are trained to do. These jobs should be done by trusting civilians. The human recourses aren’t being utilized properly so there will always be diminishing Police presence on the streets.
800 MEMBERS COMBINED POLICE FORCE,in Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda are a combined 170 sq miles.So why do they need more Police Officers.
Antigua and Barbuda population is between 80,000 and 100,000 persons and you really believe that 800 police officers are enough. Smdh ease off the kool aid.
What ur not thinking about is how much of the 800 are field workers , how much are bench workers lol
I guess each of the three fire tenders will come with a built-on reverse osmosis plant. No hard feelings APUA.
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