Especially considering the busy world of today where almost everyone leaves their home and returns in darkness, the demand for residential cleaning services has been on the rise in many places over the past few years. This is supported by the fact that not many people are comfortable hiring a permanent maid or household in their homes, especially the single population and young families. As if this is all, cleaning services are also in high demand in business premises, real estate property, healthcare facilities, commercial enterprises, and the hospitality industry at large.
For these reasons, a cleaning business can be a highly profitable venture, not forgetting that it may not require you to break the bank to start one. Before you start getting the high profit margin, however, there are some things you need to put in place when starting your business. From identifying a target market for licensing, budgeting, and marketing, here are the 4 steps to starting a cleaning business from scratch that we thought you should know.
1. Find Your Specialty and Choose Your Market
The first and most important step to take when starting a cleaning business is to do your research, weigh your abilities, and find your specialty. This will guide you in choosing a target market based on what you can do as well as the specific demands of businesses and individuals in your local area. Filip Boksa, a renowned cleaning services Houston expert and co-founder of King of Maids, says that to be successful in the cleaning industry, you have to identify a target market, study your potential clients carefully curtail your services based on their demands. Sticking to your specialty and choosing your target clientele carefully will help ensure that you provide quality services, which will be your key to getting more clients and growing your business.
It will also be a great idea to conduct research on what your potential competitors in the target area are offering, so you know how to create a unique business plan that includes packages with what they might have missed.
2. Get Proper Licensing and Insurance
In most locations, you’ll obviously need to register your cleaning business and carry the appropriate insurance to be allowed to operate. As a matter of fact, being adequately licensed, insured, and bonded will sell you out as reputable and reliable. Check with your state’s or city’s business, regulatory bodies to find out the licensing requirements before you break ground. From liability insurance to bonding, and workers’ compensation, find out the types of coverage you’ll need for your business and start the process of getting them.
3. Create a Budget and Get Your Finances Together
For business startups, financing is often one of the most challenging parts. In case you haven’t saved enough to start your new venture, you may want to approach friends and family, investors, and financial institutions for assistance with funding. While at it, you’ll want to create a guiding budget. Some of the things to think about as far as startup costs for your cleaning business are concerned may include licensing, insurance, equipment, transportation, labor (for your employees), cleaning products and supplies, and advertising, among others.
4. Invest in Marketing
No one will know about your new cleaning business if you don’t have a solid marketing strategy in place. Spread the word by investing in social media advertising, website marketing, offline marketing, and other common small business marketing techniques. At this point, you’ll most probably have set your pricing and service rates; and perhaps even served served several clients already. Marketing is of great essence in the growth of a business as it’s the only tool you can use to reach out to new clients and keep the existing ones as you continue to build your brand and expand your venture.
To be honest, there’s no perfect formula to success in the cleaning business. This is especially the case considering that competition is increasingly going up. With the above steps, however, you can easily break ground and see your new cleaning business operation within not so long.
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This generic article was surely not written with Antigua and Barbuda in mind. Cause we sure do not live the kind of lifestyle that they are talking about. Nevertheless I want to make a comment on businesses here in the cleaning profession. In Antigua any and everyone think they can just get up one day and do cleaning and many other unregulated professions. This brings down the quality of the profession. Be it landscaping, painting, plumbing, electrician. You name it. Many who practice these professions in Antigua are not qualified or certified. Government should start regulating the various professions and please do not take a shortcut and let the profession regulate itself. We will get h same situation as with the Medical Board. When I hire a cleaner they are taking a lot of responsibility. The products they use could damage my product. Suppose I have a Picasso painting on the wall and some cleaning company send a person to clean my office and they spray some harsh chemical product on the painting and damage it. You think they have the money and the insurance to pay for the recovery of that painting. My experience with housekeepers is heartbreaking. Now my house keeper had been with me for more than 20 years and my latest housekeeper is now already 13 years with me. But I can tell you they did a lot of damage to my clothes and my furniture and stereo. One even damaged my LP’s by spraying Lysol on it to clean it. My housekeeper use to use Disiclin saying it makes the clothes smell nice. Now I am a man that always buy quality and brand name clothes. So yes I should have protected my clothes and have them send to the dry cleaner. Most times I did, but sometimes she beat me to it and washed them herself. Like one of the things she used to do is take a hard scrubbing brush to scrub the collars of the shirts. And you know within no time all my collars had holes in them. The shirt was still good but the collars gone. I say all of this to show that many claim to be cleaners but they don’t have a clue what is involved in the profession. They know nothing about the chemicals they are using neither about the surfaces they are treating or the fabrics. People go to universities to study all these things, they do not get up one day and say I am a cleaner. And that goes for many profession. But than again would we want to pay a university grad to come and clean our home? I guess not. We like the cheap labour paying $10.00 per hour to have cleaning work done around the homes and office. Same goes for gardening and other professions.
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