(Dashboard Update for February 10, 2021)
The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed thirty-one (31) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Wednesday 10th February 2021.
Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Tuesday 9th February 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, one hundred and fifty-seven (157) additional samples were processed by MSJMC increasing the pending results from two hundred and one (201) at CARPHA to three hundred and fifty-eight (358) in total.
Of the one hundred and fifty-seven (157) samples processed by MSJMC, one hundred and forty two (142) were negative and fifteen (15) positive while of the two hundred and one (201) processed by CARPHA, one hundred and eighty-five (185) were negative and sixteen (16) positive. The thirty-one (31) cases are non-imported. Investigations have begun and contact tracing and testing are ongoing.
The one hundred and fifty-seven (157) additional samples are reflected in the total samples taken and total persons tested columns of the dashboard.
Four (4) additional persons have been hospitalised bringing the total to thirty-eight (38). Seven (7) recoveries have been recorded bringing the total to one hundred and ninety-seven (197)
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is three hundred and eighty-one (381); which is inclusive of one hundred and seventy-five (175) active cases.
Meanwhile, one hundred and seventy-three (173) samples are pending.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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Antigua is a small isolated island in the Caribbean.
There was no COVID in Antigua and there would be no COVID in Antigua without the government allowing outsiders to bring it in.
That is the root cause of your present disaster.
Do not let the one who caused the problem because of his greed blame it on the people who will suffer from his malfeasance.
Yes I agree. My heart goes out to all the poor families who have lost loved ones or suffered serious illness needlessly because the government and their business masters wanted to continue making a profit. Health should come before profit always, but as the minister said tonight, he will not institute a lockdown because business has to keep operating. We know which side he is on. Difficult choice but you must choose the health of the population over corporate profits. Many more will be seriously ill over the coming weeks and some of those will die. We know where the blame lies.
Could you not apply this same theory to just about any country? It’s got across the entire world now. There was even a case on a research station in Antarctica.
I agree with you that the government has perhaps not done all they could with locking down.
At the same time I just think this virus is an unstoppable force. I know Antiguans who’ve flown to the US and brought it back with them. It’s a hard topic… Stay safe everyone.
Antigua and Barbuda is now getting.What others have experienced some months ago.Just continue to wear your masks,wash hands and physical distancing.It is not a cure for the Covid-19 virus.However,it helps to prevent you and others from getting it.That is what those of the medical persuasion say.
Get KN95 masks if you can. They have them at Woods pharmacy.
Or order N95 masks at Accumed.com
Cloth masks don’t work nearly as well.
But if you have to use a cloth mask soak it in a salt water solution and hang to dry before using. The salt crystals destroy the virus. Google for info in this.
Spray your KN95 masks with hydrogen peroxide and hang up after use.
Rotate with new ones and don’t reuse more than a few times.
Also check out this protocol. You can get most of the supplements locally.
Another natural treatment is Nigella Sativa (black cumin/black seed oil) and honey. Can get from health food store. Google study done at 3 Pakistan hospitals on this treatment.
Finally, gargle with dilute Betadine (a few drops in a few mLs of water) or original Listerene. Can google study on this as well.
And also saline nasal rinses with a little baby shampoo added. Can get Nasal rinse bottle and saline packets from Woods Pharmacy.
If riding in bus, sit next to window and open window for extra ventilation.
Be safe everyone.
TENMAN what the hell is going on here? With these daily increasing cases of ovi
They seem to be the only competent folks in A&B government at this point
TENMAN what the hell is going on here? With these daily increasing cases of covid infections, I sincerely hope we do not surpass St. Lucia or St. Vincent on the number of cases.
It is the result of UPP and it’s conspiracy cohorts that managed to convince an ignorant set of the population that covid was not real, lockdown was encroaching ok their civil liberties etc when they very well knew better. As the UPP wanted the numbers are increasing so you guys must be joyous especially christians amongst your lot!
@Just Saying
You are not a real person. Writing such rubbish. Guess a lot of foolish labour supporters listened and are now sick.
nah man
Will a adult in government stand up and put a stop to this madness?
Is there anyone?
Wow . and the government is still not closing the border .
What is the point of closing the border. St Lucia for instance has hundreds more cases than us. They have their banana, they have their dasheen, they have their coconut water, they have their titiwi fish and vola yet the PM said no border closure. What precisely is to be accomplished from a border closure. It may be evident that we are dealing with domestic spread so again I ask what is the point of a closure?
The Prime Minister allowed the seed to be planted. Now the the plant has bloomed and is producing seeds of it’s own. He’s complicit in the failure to discharge his duties and his oath of office to protect the nation and its citizens.
Remedy for such breach is removal from office by way of a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE brought against the Prime Minister. Choose your loyalty. I challenge the members of cabinet with a national moral compass and side with the opposition to remove your for profit party leader. Country first!
Anyone took notice of the 2 deaths on the 8th? They mentioned only one in the briefing but the dashboard had 2.
I checked WHO and there were 2 deaths reported to them.
On the other hand Ralph Francis died yesterday and that wasn’t mentioned yesterday in the press conference I’m not sure about the 7pm news. Someone can help me with that . Checked WHO dashboard this morning I’m seeing the 31 new cases but not that 10th death.
Someone please enlighten me about the dishonesty of these people while everything is bursting at the seam.
It occurred to me that if they would have been honest about all those sudden deaths that happened months ago – that they were likely caused by COVID – the public would have been taking this pandemic seriously all along.
But instead of sending a strong message that this is a serious danger to everyone, the MOH repeatedly got in front a camera and said the island was COVID free, which of course, only made many citizens feel we were safe so they could be lax in their behaviors.
Now here we are and clearly the lid has fallen off this thing and they still won’t be honest or do the right thing. Still blaming citizens and still no restrictions on tourists who can even come to the island for some sick sex tourism.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha watch the covidiots mosqutio having a f***ing meltdown. Its a f***ing gobal pandamic. Any how eh twist or tun eh wudda reach ya and eh nar go way LIB WID UM!!!!!!
Why now the vaccine arrive the cases has increase? Are they doing more test or the kits are contaminated ? Somethings are not making sense.
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