(Dashboard Update for August 15, 2021)
The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Sir Lester Bird Mount St. John Medical Centre has revealed nineteen (19) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Friday 13th August 2021 at 6pm.
Five (5) of these cases were recorded on August 12th and fourteen (14) on August 13th.
The Epidemiology Unit is still in the process of ascertaining whether the cases are imported or non-imported. Once the investigation is completed, the information will be given in a subsequent publication.
One hundred and nineteen (119) samples were processed at Sir Lester Bird MSJMC.
Six (6) recovered cases were recorded increasing the total to one thousand two hundred and sixty-six (1266).
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven (1397); which is inclusive of eighty-eight (88) active cases.
There are four (4) mild hospitalized cases.
Meanwhile, Antigua and Barbuda has fully vaccinated thirty two thousand and twenty-six (32,026) individuals while seven thousand and thirteen (7,013) have only received their first dose.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
*Please note this dashboard is inclusive of statistics for August 12th and August 13th.

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88 cases and counting. Gaston Browne and Molwyn Joseph.What are you doing to curb this Pandemic? This is just the beginning of things to come. You people cannot use deflections to avoid this.
Beach Bum … what are you doing to curb those dunce question you be asking … stop asking politicians question and encourage the country to be more responsible in following the protocols …. you dunce beach bumb
Heh @ Curious you sound even more DUMB and DUNCE than Beach Bumb .
OH and that name is it CURIOUS OR Bi-CURIOUS ?
@Really … do u think before you write or you are just on here to oppose … what was so dunce in asking Beach Bum to encourage Antiguan And Barbudans to be more responsible for their actions and stop relying on politicians…I see u are curious of the name…. but is your name REALLY DUMP….REALLY STUPID OR REALLY BI….just being Curious… now think before u write REALLY RETARD.
As if this is Gaston Browne and Molwyn’s doing. When they are providing the protocol and the vaccines, but people refuse to follow the protocols and take the vaccine. What you want them to do. Make it mandatory?
People of Antigua have personal responsibility to protect themselves and if they don’t the result will be there. And then we will see what the so called right to do as we like has brought us. March and protest as you like. Don’t wear no mask and gather in large group and spread it amongst yourself. God help us with these idiots.
So how many of the new cases are vaccinated individuals?
Last couple of dashboards have said ‘will advise if domestic or imported at a later date’ – still waiting.
Dadliman – vaccinated and unvaccinated people are becoming infected with the delta/Indian variant, but globally 99.5% of hospitalized cases are UNvaccinated.
CMO & Sir Health have been conspicuous by their quiet in recent weeks… Do they plan any changes to arrival or testing policies? Maybe reducing the arrival pcr test window might assist?
Sideline – agree, we have to be our brother’s keeper…mask, sanitize, distance
Have they added the 30+ infected hotel workers to the dashboard yet? Doesn’t look so.
By the way,, if you want to know how bad things can get in a few days, look at Dominica. They had 367 new infections today alone, up from a couple last week. I expect these kinds of numbers here in a few weeks.
Yep Dominica, over 700 (727)active cases as of aug 14th
lockdown coming. The only way now
Sadly, people can’t be left to make the right and responsible decision to vaccinate. Why not make it mandatory? It is a privilege to be a citizen of a country…read that again…it is a privilege. We are members of a state, we owe allegiance to our government to be entitled to the rights, privileges and protections from it. We enjoy individual “rights” unless they interfere with the common good of our community, the Public’s health and safety trumps all. Mandatory vaccination is not new. Small pox was eradicated because of a mandatory vaccine. Children receive mandatory vaccines in order to attend school. This is a dense but interesting and appropriate read: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/imz-managers/guides-pubs/downloads/vacc_mandates_chptr13.pdf
Stop being so selfish. Get vaccinated. No one is safe until everyone is safe.
Dominica knows their status because they’re doing widespread testing in each community. In that way it will be easily controlled.
Antigua on the other hand does little to no testing unless you’re traveling or probably showing symptoms.
Tourist are travelling to our shores you will expect cases, figures can be manufactured to keep the state of emergency in place
*every time vaccines roll out cases increased
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