(Dashboard Update for February 7, 2021)
The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) have revealed seventeen (17) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of Saturday 6th February 2021.
Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard for Saturday 6th 2021 with the cut off time of 6pm, two hundred and fifty-five additional samples were processed by MSJMC increasing the pending results from seventy-one (71) to three hundred and twenty-six (326).
Of the two hundred and fifty-five (255) samples processed by MSJMC, two hundred and forty-four (244) were negative and eleven (11) positive while of the seventy-one processed by CARPHA, sixty-five were negative and six (6) positive. Fifteen (15) of the cases are non-imported and two (2) imported. Investigations have begun and contact tracing and testing are ongoing.
Meanwhile, two new recoveries have been recorded bringing that total to one hundred and eighty-nine (189).
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is three hundred and sixteen (316); which is inclusive of one hundred and twenty (120) active cases.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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With contact tracing going on for weeks and new cases are recorded on a regular basis, why are we seeing 00 pending results?
It’s a pandemic! This will happen.. the borders are open! People are flying in… and it’s not returning nationals ..
With contact tracing going on for weeks and new cases are recorded on a regular basis, why are we seeing 00 pending results?
With so many active cases, why are the quarantine numbers so low?
My bet is that many of the cases are isolated, which means most of these new cases are not through contact tracing.
I doubt they are doing any contact tracing. People in contact with known cases never get called or tested or quarantined.
The government pandemic response is pitiful as always.
I’ve been saying for months that at some point there would be too many cases for the government to keep lying and saying there was less than 9 on island.
We are at that point but they are still minimizing numbers and botching their response by not contact tracing and the border is still wide open to disease vectors with no restrictions
I guess phase 2 of the 🤡‘s response to the pandemic is simply to blame locals and returning nationals until a vaccine is available
Approximately a quarter of active cases are hospitalized.
Very sobering.
Most of the people tested are very sick. So the official numbers only reflect the tip of the iceberg.
There are MANY MANY more asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic folks out there … probably on the order of thousands and growing everyday
But just like this disease can spread exponentially it can also decline exponentially if only the government would do the right thing and close borders for a 1 month real lockdown
And yes widespread ivermectin for prophylaxis and treatment with vitamin D, zinc, C, melatonin.
All scientifically established to treat or prevent COVID
Guy we have tested about 1K persons in less than a week. Out of that no more than 67 persons have come back as having covid. Essentially we are speaking less than 7 percent positivity rate
That is the pertinent question.
The people who appear to be tested are those travelling, those who are very ill with COVID, and those who are having surgeries.
They are not sampling the community or testing mildly sick people in the community.
There’s still a concerted effort to hide just how much COVID is on the island.
And COVID spreads exponentially. So each day that proper testing and protocols are not put in place means the next day will be much much worse in terms of how many cases there really are on island.
Things are just going to get worse and worse unless something drastic and real is done to stem the tide.
Yes, although likely because they are only picking up those with severe symptoms because they are not testing or tracing properly. The real figure for active cases will be about 10x higher than they are reporting, just they mainly have the data for those sick enough to seek help, not for mild or asymptomatic cases. It means the spread is pretty much out of control right now, as they were warned time after time would occur
There was comment only weeks ago that people who tested positive refused to say who their contacts were, or where they had been. I would make it an imprisonable offense to intentionally deceive the contact tracers, and allow them to have manslaughter charger brought if they do so, and someone dies.
Stop tell lies, those found in the contact trace are tested regardless to whether they are showing symptoms. Just amazing that ANU has tested (10, 281) almost 1K (31 short) persons since the feb 2nd dashboard (9312) yet watch you spout garbage about only symptomatic persons are being tested
That’s a woefully inadequate number of tests for a 90K population plus at least that many visitors over an almost yearlong pandemic
And remember for the last few weeks tourists have to get tested on their way out. That would be most of the tests done.
They are not sampling the community or testing mildly symptomatic people
Spin it however you wish, in the end it will be clear to all that many people got sick and many people died and many people lost their livelihood because of a bad government with ridiculous, insane and immoral pandemic response
And no they are not doing real or adequate or competent contact tracing or quarantining etc
Guy not sure if you are aware but the majority of the tests for said tourists are not reflected in these numbers. They are mostly doing antigen tests which the US accepts. Those antigen tests I think you know are in general being done by entities other than MSJ. They will only involve MSJ and get a PCR test if the antigen tests show them as positive. Think you also know the UK, and CA and closed.
So they have tested about 1 thousand people since Feb 2 out of a population of 80 thousand. Guess you are right, they must be picking up all cases with that level of testing. I stand corrected.
Yep BDS with almost 300K persons, more resources than A&B has some 2,600 tests (not persons hence some may be duplicates) in the same time period (between Feb 1st and Feb 6th). Haven’t many of you been comparing us to them? Well with the increased in cases testing too have has ramped up to ensure we properly deal with this issue
Arnold and Tenman i admire the back and forth between you two . There was a difference of opinion and both came to an understanding Some cows on here get political and rude when you differ it is to be admire well done guys .
Why not tell us the trouble spots, maybe people can avoid those areas, might help if people know.
@geeman… Precisely.
People living in known hotspot villages or areas can then be hyper-vigilant in their personal protocols.
Other islands give geographic information to their citizens but it seems Sir Health & mister PM don’t think that is a good idea.
And bungling the pandemic response this whole time
This isn’t about privacy. This is about hiding info so they can control the narrative and continue to lie
Too bad for them that COVID-19 spreads like wildfire and A&B are burning down
If they had and sense or decency they’d reverse course right now, immediately and close the borders and have a serious lockdown to get the situation under control
If they don’t tourism will stop on its own when the island descends into chaos because of the pandemic debacle
Cause A&B small, and your idea that persons would restrict their movements to even one parish is inane. As Dr Leston Simon points out, all you will be doing is create a false sense of safety in those areas where covid is not registered.
@truths… How’s that working for us right now? Seems people think the whole island is safe.
No harm in trying something that is working on some of the other OECS islands ( not referring to Ja, TnT, Bim).
It’s not about restrictive movement but increasing personal protocols vigilance.
When reporting on covid
Antigua is the outlier with all the secrets
The government can not do everything people have to take responsibility of there self and family. I think the government should put evry one in quarantine when they come to the country not self quarantine government quarantine. This self quarantine is not working ..people The government can only do something not all things. Be responsible.
Remember COVID did not come from Antigua.
There was a time in early March 2020 when this was one of the safest places to be on earth.
Then the government reopened the island early and let in any and everyone from the highest disease areas on earth and didn’t put any restrictions on those people unless they were returning nationals.
That is why Antigua is currently burning with COVID. And it will not get any better unless the government takes decisive and real action.
Instead they continue to blame the most vulnerable folks while they let the wealthy spread disease even to poor little isolated Barbuda.
It’s a flipping shame. And all of you should be outraged.
This is not about “personal responsibility.” It is about the responsibility of a government to keep a deadly disease out of their country.
Dear Dr Simon,
If someone has the common cold and they did a good standard PCR test would the result be positive COVID19?
If yes how do you differentiate?
Can’t hear this stupid rubbish anymore tourist bringing covid… returning nationals do. The 5 tourists we have stay in their hotels and got tested and we know where they are. All restaurants and bars close… so stop blaming tourists for your ignorance and misbehaviour, you all like to take their money and make a living of them… let’s close the borders and do a full lockdown, the only way to get this under control
Thank u fu sayibg that. Dem lub blame tourist but dem nar ten respobsibility fu dem reckless behavoiur.
Look now me stalker ah come.
Covid-19 has become a political football. Let us just kick it down the road by blaming all others.When would the Administration take responsibility for anything they have not done.They would blame all others.This Administration had nearly 1 year to plan for the upsurge in Covid-19.They failed to plan.Now look at what is going on in Antigua and Barbuda.
By instituting real protocols for everyone who enters, National or tourists, by private plane, commercial plane or yacht.
If the government didn’t let it in
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Where are Nigel Christian’s murderers?
Get rid of the traitors in govt.
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